jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015



In April I went to Disneyland with all my family. By then, I had already been to Disneyland  when I was six. This time I went because my brother hadn't had the oportunity to go. We stayed at the Disneyland París Resort * for 4 days , from thursday to sunday. The first thing we did when we got to the hotel was to look around at all the facilities the hotel had, then we went to the park to check all the attracions.
In my opinion, we weren't very lucky because it was raining all the time! The good thing was that we brought a raincoat and most of the attraccions were inside a building so it wasn't too bad. 

-Friday: The park is divided in 4 places : Aventureland, Fantasyland Fortierland and Discovery land so on Friday we went to Aventureland and Fantasyland: it took us a lot of time to get there because we got lost many times, but finally we made it! When we were there , we got on in almost all the attraccions even though it was raining.
-Saturday: On saturday it stopped raining for a bit. We went to Frontierland and Discoveryland. My brother loved Discoveryland because there is a attraccion were you have to drive a car and he loves that! Also on Sunday we went to Walt Disney studios(the other half of the park)
-Sunday: On sunday we stayed at the Walt Disney studios, we saw all the spectacles and attractions until 6pm, when we had to go back to the hotel and pack all our things so that at 9pm we were at the airport.

It was a very nice holiday.

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