jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

PROM TRIP: MERIDA-by Marta Azcoitia

Prom trip: Merida
This year with the school we went one week before Easter to a trip in which we visited different Spanish and Portuguese cities.
Merida is one of the cities we visited. Located in Badajoz, it is very famous for the ancient roman ruins that have been found on it, this is because it was an important roman city named Augusta.
Augusta Emerita was founded in 25 a.c. for the veterans soldiers of V Alaudae and X Gemina by Octavio Augusto. It became one of the most important cities of Hispania as it had lots of commodities and it was the capital of Lusitania.

Merida’s theater and amphitheater are the most famous monuments of the city. We had the chance to visit these spectacular ruins and learn about them. What makes them very special is that they are almost perfectly conserved although lot of people and years have passed over them.

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