sábado, 4 de junio de 2016


This school year passed by very fast. I remembered the first day, I was a new student at school and no one knew me. I will never forget that first day.
I was a little bit scared because everyone had told me that the course was going to be very difficult, because there were new schoolmates and new teachers for me.
This year had two new subjects: Biology and Physics and Chemistry. I like Biology but in Chemistry, at first, I didn´t understand anything!
This year I went to Galapagar for the “Convivencias” and then, I went on another trip to Segovia. Segovia was so beautiful but the weather could have been better.

Finally, I love this new school and it is pleasure to be a part of it.

®                      Tiger
Recent studies indicate that there may be only 322 tigers left in their natural habitat. The deforestation and the hunt could mean their extinction. They are caught because some parts are used for Chinese traditional medicine, at the same time as their skins are highly valued and sold on the market. Also, because of the increasing sea level because of climate change.

®                      Polar bear

The polar bear in the Arctic is classified as an endangered species. It could become extinct in the next century if we keep up the warming in the Arctic. 

®                      Magallanes penguin
Previous to the oil spills,the problem for Magallanes penguins now is the loss of the fish that serves as food. Displaced by warm ocean currents, they fish away more of their usual spots, forcing this bird to travel further to find food.

®                      Red tuna
It´s a big fish that is located in the east and west of the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea.                                                                                    It has been used in the preparation of first quality sushi. The temporary prohibition of international trade in the red tuna could afford the recovery of this kind of overexploited species. 

®                      There are more endangered species like the walrus of the Pacific, the mountain gorilla, the monarch butterfly, the rhino of java or the giant panda.

®                      And in Spain...
In addition to share the global problems of red tuna, in our country we can highlight the presence of the feline that is most threatened on the planet, the Iberian lynx. It greases with only two hundred units in the world, located between Sierra Morena and Doñana.                                                  The division of their habitat, the loss of food and the mortality due to man, are their biggest threats.

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