jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

ALL HALLOWS-by Fabiola Morera

All Hallows
Well, all hallows is the name of my school of England I went to when I was 12 years old and I was abroad for a whole year. I think that it was the best experience of my whole life.
On the first day (which was a Sunday) I was so scared about everything because I didn’t have any friends, I didn’t know much English and I had never been so far away from my house for such a long time. The good thing was that all the girls in my dorm came and started talking to me and they showed me the school, the teachers, they introduced me to the rest of the people of the year and everyone was very kind.
My first day of school (Monday) was so horrible, at first I went to the wrong lesson twice because my timetable was wrong and I got so embarrassed because when I had gone into a lesson and didn’t have a place to sit and everyone looked at me because they didn’t know who I was... Luckily that teacher came up to tell me that I wasn’t in the right class, and then I did it again.
The second day was even worse, because the “cool” people thought that it would be funny to make a joke to the new Spanish girl (me) so they played me a joke and I got so embarrassed that I felt really bad and I really wanted to go back to Spain.
Months later, after learning more English, I got my timetable right and I made lots of friends so I was feeling much better but I still was missing home.
In my last term I had made so many friends and I knew lots of English, I had so much fun everyday and I really didn’t want to go back to Spain. When I had to leave All Hallows on the last day of school (price day) I was so upset that I couldn’t stop crying.

As I said at the beginning, this has been the best experience in my whole life.It's an experience that has helped me to learn lots of new things: to not be shy and to enjoy everything much more, I have made so many friends who I’m still in touch with and I will never forget this experience.

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