sábado, 9 de enero de 2016


Consumerism Issues in our society:
-The term "consumerism" is defined as the excessive consumption of goods in our modern society.
-This ever-expanding need of consumption is really positively reflected in our economy but it can lead to serious problems:

-William Rees(an urban planner at the university of British Columbia) declared that 6 hectares of productive land is what takes to maintain an average high consumer person in our society. This leads to wealthy countries, such a the US or France, to try to abuse of and exploit the natural resources of poorer and weaker countries such as Afghanistan, Syria, Panama...

-This abuse increases poverty, starts revolutions and wars and produces a huge ecological footprint in the abused countries.

-Consumerism is an unstoppable issue because democratic countries can´t stop people from doing this. Governments should try to work on this by changing people´s minds about what we actually need and what is just mere whim.

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