martes, 19 de enero de 2016

CARS VS. BIKES-by Blanca Recatalá

Cars vs Bikes
Nowadays , the mobility of the people from all around the world has grown really fast in these lasts years. It's because of transports such as bikes , cars…But does this affect to our planet?
Basically a really high percent of people from all around the world drive cars just for going to work or for long travels! Even though cars are so comfortable and cool , they pollute the air in our atmosphere ,also it has terrible consequences too.
Other than that ,bikes are getting popular because people are getting worried about the pollution , so that is why they ride bikes in spite of driving cars. Normally this type of people wear protection such as helmets or kneepads. Also it helps you being a healthy person , because at the same time you are riding your bike you are doing exercise!
In conclusion , we have to save our planet of the big pollution , because we do not want the world to be polluted.

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