domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016


Global warming is affecting the whole world a lot. We have to stop it, because if we don’t, it will cause consequences that we won’t like and will hurt our lifestyles. A few consequences of the global warming are:
  • .    Warmer temperatures: the accumulation of greenhouse gases causes temperatures to rise more and the climate change.
  • .    More intense storms.
  • .Spread of diseases.
  • .    Stronger heat waves that can put people’s lives in danger or even kill them.
  • .    Melting of the glaciers: it makes sea level rise, destroy animal’s and plant’s ecosystems, change the availability of water for drinking and irrigation…
  • .    More dangerous hurricanes because of the sea temperature (that is raising a lot).
  • .    Expensive food: while the time is passing, global warming is getting bigger and the crops and basic ingredients like the wheat, are starting to be hard to grow. That’s why lots of people will become poor too and the food will be more expensive than now.

In conclusion, we have to take care of our planet and be careful in what we do, because sometimes we don’t realize that we are hurting the ecosystem and which are the bad consequences that this horrible global warming can produce on Earth.

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