miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015


Hi guys!!

How are you today?

I hope  you are all ok, mostly those that have finished the school!

I have a lot of things to tell you this time. First thing is to tell you that I’m really worried because it’s the first time for me that I have to make final exams, so I have to work very hard because I don’t want to be studying all  summer. It should be also the first time for me. So I will do my best.

Second thing is that my sister Patricia, has come back home after 10 months in USA. She couldn’t come anytime, not in Christmas holidays, nor in Easter … never. And we couldn’t travel to Missouri to visit her, because it was forbidden by the organization, and because it is very expensive. I was very excited. I have missed her a lot and I was looking forward to see her again. She used to play with me, and to help me with my homework when I had problems with them. So, I hope that now she will help me with my English. My father told me that I’m going to watch TV only in English, and that my sisters Sofia and Pati will speak with me only in English all the summer. Will I survive to this experience? Will I understand anything?  Both, Pati and Sofia, have been in EEUU for one year, so they speak American English very, very quick.

Yesterday was a very long day. We woke up early in the morning to go to the airport to pick up Pati. We were all very nervous. Some friends of Pati also came to the airport to receive her. Finally, after almost a year, she appeared in our sight!! It was a very exciting moment!! We find her very a bit tired and a little more fatty, but as beautiful as always!
We went home, and Pati gave us some presents that she had bought for us during her year in USA (she was living in Missouri, but she traveled to Chicago, Orlando, California and New York!! She was very lucky!!), afterwards we went to our club to play tennis (me), and roller skate (my sisters), as every weekend, and finally we went for lunch at my grandmother’s house, because all the family, my uncles, unties and cousins wanted to see Pati. They couldn’t wait! Poor Pati was really tired, she only wanted to go home and sleep.

And the third thing, and last, is to wish all you a very, very happy summer. Enjoy the time on the beach, or mountains, or travelling .. with your family! I hope to see you all in September!!


Should every child have a mobile phone?

It doesn’t mean that we always have to have it with us
and therefore have it on.I would like to refer to the advantages and disadvantages of having one.

Nowadays a large number of children have mobiles but a lot of schools  have banned their use.Meanwhile, the benefits of having them are beginning to be accepted as it happened with portable computers.As mobile phones are like small computers it means there are a lot more potential uses for the phone in the classroom.But if mobiles are to be used in schools then it will become necessary for every child to have one.So,let’s look into the pros of having a mobile.For example:

  • We are never out of contact with friends,parents,police or our school.
  • They are a way to quickly contact someone if we are in trouble or lost.
  • They have proved to be very helpful in large scale disasters like floods,earthquakes etc.
  • For every day security,this way our parents may know where we are at all times or if we feel unsafe somewhere.

  •  There may be no signal when you are in trouble.
  • The phone may have been turned off.
  • The battery may have run out.
  • The addictive influence of the mobile can make you isolate from the rest of the people around.

In my opinion mobile telephones may have a lot of good things that benefit us but we also have to be aware of its bad influences and see where the limit is.It’s a matter of self-control.Because like any drug or habit it can be harmful if we don’t use it properly.

MY FAVORITE TV ACTRESSES-by Marta González López


In this month’s post, I’m going to talk about the TV actresses I admire the most. I think I look up to the following actresses because they have something in common: I have discovered them while they were playing intelligent, strong, and independent women with a complicated background who never give up.

She was born in Los Angeles on 18th August 1958. She is best known for playing Miryea Méndez in the 90’s film “Revenge”, Cora Munro in “The Last of the Mohicans”, Kathryn Railly in “Twelve Monkeys” or Victoria Grayson in the TV series “Revenge”.
I discovered Madeleine Stowe watching the show Revenge, in which she plays the evil and powerful Victoria Grayson, matriarch of the millionaire Grayson family. The show has been on air since 2011 and it has finished this year its 4th season. It takes place in The Hamptons (NY), where a young woman named Emily Thorne plans her vengeance against those who ruined his father’s and her own life, which are principally, the Graysons.
Since I started watching Revenge, Madeleine has become one of my favourite actresses due to her ability to embody strong and independent women, her intelligence and beauty. I also think that she hasn’t received enough credit for her work, though she is a great and loved actress.

She was born in Hamilton (Canada) on 26th April 1978. She is a young actress who has found a huge success thanks to detective Kate Beckett, which is the character she plays in the acclaimed show “Castle”. Her role may sometimes be difficult to perform because Beckett is a complicated woman whose main objective in life is to find her mother’s murderer. However, she will not be able to accomplish this without the help of the handsome novelist Richard Castle.
Castle and Kate become partners solving cases; at first, Kate couldn’t put up with him, but later, she realizes that she is in love with him.
Besides from “Castle”, she has also worked in films such as “For Lovers Only” and “CBGB”. In addition, she has won many awards like the “TV Guide Award” for best couple with Nathan Fillion (Richard Castle) or “People’s Choice Awards” for best actress in a TV drama.
I truly admire Stana Katic, because of her personality, style and also, because she has always fought to achieve her dream of becoming a successful actress.

She was born in Brooklyn (NYC) on 15th July 1977. She is known for her roles in “Miami Medical”, “Spin City” and “Once Upon a Time” among others.
I first saw her in Once Upon a Time, which is a TV series that has produced four seasons till the moment. Its plot it’s a bit confusing. It tells the story of every fairytale character, trapped by a curse, in our world. Lana plays Regina Mills/The Evil Queen, from Snow White’s tale, character with whom I fell in love, not because of the wickedness, but because her endless seek for a happy ending and her willpower to become a better person.
Lana Parrilla hasn’t had much professional success. However, her personal life seems rather wonderful, she has just married Fred Di Blasio and she counts with thousands of fans over the world.

She has become one of my idols due to her personality, kindness and goofiness.

She was born in Los Angeles on 27th March 1970. Some of her most-known roles are: Juliet Burke in “Lost”, Carol Newman in the film “The Santa Clause”, Erica in “V” and Ingrid in “Once Upon a Time”.
For me, I will always remember her as Juliet, which was my favourite character in “Lost”, where she played a fertility doctor who travels to the island for a job offer. She soon realizes what really is going on there and who can or cannot be trusted. With the arrival of Oceanic 815 passengers, everything changes. She even falls in love with Sawyer.  However, “Lost” is not a fairytale and doesn’t always have a happy ending. Therefore Juliet must make really hard decisions so as to be happy.  

DECISIONS IN OUR LIFE-by Patricia Valencia

Decisions in our life

I want to talk you about our current situation at school. These days, we have to choose the different school schedule for the next year and, whether it seems a difficult decision or not, our future will depend on it. Choosing between a literature kind of career and a science career isn´t something to joke about, as you will spend the rest of your life worrying on something related to that.

The decision depends on your taste and you are free to do it but you must be sure that that's what you want to do.

martes, 28 de julio de 2015

BRUGES-by Kiekeboe

Bruges is a city situated in the northwest of Belgium, it is the capital and the largest city of the province of West Flanders.
This city is also known as "The Venice of the North" because of the canals that you can observe throughout all the city.
The UNESCO considers Bruges a World Heritage Site, not only because of it's canals but also because of the museums and the great monuments that you can find in this city.

One of the most famous museums is Het Groeningen Museum where you can find art pieces by painters like: Jan Van Eyck, Rogier Van Der Weyden or Hans Memling, who are very famous painters and some of them even lived in Bruges.
If you ever go to Bruges, you should visit The Chapel of the Holy Blood, people believe that this holy blood is the actual blood of Jesus Christ. This blood was brought by the crusaders from Jerusalem. Now there is a procession every year, forty days after Easter where the bishop of Bruges carries the Holy Blood.

"Het Belfort van Brugge" is a huge monument situated in the Grote Markt, which is the main square of Bruges. This building used to be a prison in the Middle Age, nowadays it is Bruges' most known edification.

Bruges is a beautiful city, which you can visit during the entire year, even though it's really cold in the winter, it is a city with a lot of culture, art and history. I sincerely recommend  you to pay this town a visit, because you will be amazed by all the buildings, museums and the people.


4th ESO PROM TRIP-by Leyre de la Torre


It all started the 23rd of March when we arrived from Madrid to Cáceres, while we were going to Cáceres we stopped in two beautiful sites: GUADALUPE: we visited the monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe where we saw some traditional costumes that  priests wore in that time; we also saw some paintings and status that were given to the monastery by kings or famous people of different periods of time. And of course we saw and kissed the virgin.


TRUJILLO: the town is famous because of how many medieval and renaissance buildings like the house of Francisco Pizarro or the church of Santa María that was built on the 13th .


The second day we went from Cáceres to Coimbra (Portugal). In the morning we visited Cáceres and at the afternoon we had free time in Coimbra.
CÁCERES: it is one of the cities of Spain with most examples of archaeological discovers like the settlements since prehistoric times. Cáceres also has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The third day we went from Coimbra to Lisbon to end up in Mérida. LISBON: is one of the oldest cities in the world. Julius Caesar appointed it as a municipium called Felicitas Julia.  It was ruled by
a series of Germanic tribes from the 5th century and in 1147, the Crusaders made the city a major political, economic and cultural place of Portugal.


The last day we went from Mérida to Madrid. MÉRIDA:  Is the capital of Extremadura. And it is a really touristic place because of it archaeological ensemble, that has been recognize as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993.


MY WEEKEND-by Alvaro Baez

Hello everybody!! How are you? I hope fine because we have already finished all the exams of the third term! This week has been awful due to the exams but if you have studied a lot then you will be rewarded with very good marks and a perfect summer. 
The first thing that I have done this weekend has been sleeping, because throughout the weekend I have been sleeping five hours each night, from Monday to Friday and I needed it.
Also this weekend I have invited Nacho Fierros to sleep to my house. On Saturday we went to El Retiro because the youtuber Auronplay was there signing his new book and also you could take a photo with him. After that we went to Plaza de Colón and we did some tricks with our longboards. Then we got two bikes and we went to my house. In my house we played Play Station 3,we watched some movies and then we had dinner. Today morning we went to play tennis and we had lunch at my house and finally we played again Play Station 3 and Nacho left my house. I forgot telling you that I recorded the longboard tricks and our ride to El Retiro with my new gopro camera. Here is one of the pictures I took yesterday.

MY SCHOOL YEAR-by Marta Alonso

My school year

This year I studied third of ESO. It is a little bit difficult course, but if you study and do the homework you can perfectly pass it.
In my case, I should have studied a bit more for not having any failed subjects in June.
In the third quarter we have done a work for each subject of Nigeria, and I think that it has helped us to have more culture of others countries apart from ours.
We went to visit Toledo with second of Eso and we had a great time
In the second term we went to the cinema and we watched “La teoría del todo” we all liked it very much
 We had the spring concert and a lot of students participated in it and some teachers too, we collected a lot of money to help nigerian people

But I think that in general it has been a very good year and we did a lot of interesant things and a lot of things we learned about.


So, I want to do this blog about the things that I liked about this year.
Everyone of us started the year thinking that the year was going to be easy but we were a little wrong, It's true that it was easier than last year but we thought that this year was going to be pretty simple. When we realize the difficulties we started working harder.
English subjet was fun, I really liked this year, we had a lot of activities , we made a lot of videos and projects so we had the opportunity of getting better grades doing funny things. The conversation classes was also pretty fun, we made a lot of games and we learned a lot.
I wish next year we will have a year like this or even better. In september I will go to United States for an exchange and I'm very excited,  I'm sure it's gonna be amazing. I thanks Beatriz and Miriam for making this year so fun and helping us when we needed.

ENGLISH COURSE 2014/15-by Eduardo Ramos

English Course 2014 - 2015

During this English course I have learned lots of things that I am sure are going to be useful for me in the future but I have to admit that it has been hard for me and I think that for some of my classmates as well.
Personally I consider that my strength is listening comprehension during the listening activities in class, when the teacher speaks and in general outside the classroom. I consider that a good thing because I can understand or have a general idea of what is going on. On the other hand, I am not very good at writing and this has been the most difficult part of the course for me.
I have learned new vocabulary that I can take advantage of but it is difficult for me to incorporate new expressions in my speech like the ones in unit 7 that are related to emotions or strong feelings, I think that for doing that I need much more practice.

One thing that I have practiced a lot this year has been how to write this shorts blog entries and that helped me to develop my writing skills and my capacity to put ideas together, I can see a difference from the start until now and that is why I think a blog is a good idea.    

ALICE IN WONDERLAND-by Iria Sánchez de Diego


This is the continuation of Lewis Carroll´s famous novel: Alice in wonderland. This latest film shows Alice as a 20 year-old girl. The story begins when Alice is at a party where a Lord asks her to marry him, before she can answer, she sees the March Hare running by, she chases it into a tree and again enters in wonderland.
In the film we can see a lot of the old characters and although, there are a lot of similar things to the original film, Tim Burton has taken it to another dimension.
Basically the argument is centered around Alice, playing the part of savior of wonderland from tyranny of the Queen of Hearts. Her sister, the White Queen, wants to become the Queen of Wonderland, and Alice was seen by an Oracle as fighting against a monster (“The Galimatazo”) being victorious. Once victory has been achieved, Alice is faced with a difficult decision, either to stay in Wonderland or to return back to the reality .Finally, she decides to choose reality and returns home to realize the dreams of her father, who died a few years ago, of becoming a business woman trading with China.

In my opinion this film was very impressive with lots of colours, crazy characters and hilarious situations. In addition to this, the film was beautifully directed by Tim Burton and superbly acted by Johnny Deep. As well as the amazing special effects and the 3D format.

lunes, 27 de julio de 2015


Bye bye secondary school:
Hi! Or maybe I should say goodbye? This post is the last post I’m going to publish here, so I’m going to use that goodbye opportunity as a goodbye to secondary as well.
I’m still remembering my first day at secondary, everything was new:  new teachers, new timetable, and the biggest change for us (the girls) NEW UNIFORM after 9 years we substituted our old pinafore dress for news skirts-belts.
The first course went by very quickly and without realizing we were beginning a new course, a course marked by substitutes and the first experience with exchanges. Furthermore we learned to play the flute and we could give our first concerts.
When it seemed that everything was becoming more stable we came across the third course. Again new teachers, new timetables.... in addition to a new corridor, which means more responsibilities at the same time. We had more subjects but, as a result, we had more innovation: excursions like English cinema where we had our first underground school experience.
Finally we came to the last course where we proposed ourselves to do everything that we could do. When Christmas was  coming the famous ‘’Auto’’ (Jesus- Maria tradition) list of characters was full, however Maite and Jose Maria tried to give everyone a character. A couple months after we had the ‘’Convivencias ‘’ there we lived an amazing class experience that I would love to repeat (football match, cooking time with ‘’Uncle Aure’’, the first night together etc.).Meanwhile, the weeks were passing we had some Canada and USA visitors (We really miss you).After that, we only thought about our coming prom trip, which I told you about in my last post (thank you Beatriz, Manuel, Aurelio and Maite). When we came back from Easter, we had the spring festival where, after many rehearsal hours, we dance altogether YMCA.
Now we are finishing that last secondary course with a lot of good and no pretty good memories nevertheless when we look back into these years I’m sure that we’ll smile.

Finally, I only want to say thank you and goodbye!!!

TELEVISION-by Eduardo Ramos


Television is one of the most important means of communication that we have and it is still very important in our daily lives. It is a fast way of knowing what is happening in the world, have a look to other lifestyles and places and it also entertaining us.

I enjoy television because when I watch it I can chill and forget about my problems and obligations at least for a moment. I enjoy different kinds of programs and I especially like to watch series such us Modern Family, which is a sitcom that makes me laugh a lot, but my favorite type of series are the ones that makes you think about how to solve a mystery by giving you clues during the episode. This happens in Castle. What I definitely don’t like are the romantic comedies or “romcoms” in which you always know what it is going to happen, that bores me.

As you know, I really enjoy television but I am also aware that it has bad things as well. I think that people have to control the time that they spend in front of the screen every day and choose good programs because television is also full of stupidities.

Television is good if you use it wisely.        


This blog is about student exchange programs. Those are programs in which students from a school travel to a sister school in a different country. The exchange student lives with a host family and on many occasions, will offer their home and family to a member of their host family in return. 
Students are expected to integrate themselves into their new family and their new environment. After that period, they come back to their own country with this great experience incorporated into their personality, mind and soul. 
My personal experience with exchange programs has been great so far. I went to Devon in th UK and I met Emily and her lovely family and friends. I had my own room in a beautiful house that was close to the school we attended. I had fabulous time, and I learned a lot even if I was only there for a week. Emily came to stay with me and my family and it was also great to be able to show her my school, meet my friends and see places again through her eyes. 
Next September my school participates in a exchange program with two schools from Washington and I do look forward to being selected as one of the students that will join the program.

PAPER TOWNS-by María Patiño

Paper towns
Paper towns is a book by John Green. It is about two teenagers, they are 17 years old and they are in their last year of high school. They are Quentin and Margo. They were friends when they were younger, but when they grew up, they were not friends any longer because of belonging to different groups in high school. One day, Margo appears in the window of Quentin’s bedroom telling him if he could help her. Quentin, who is in love with her, accepts to help her to  revenge, so they spend all night going around the city doing bad things to some friends of Margo.
The next day, Margo disappears but it wasn´t the first time that happened so the people are not so worried about her except Quentin, who starts to search for clues to find Margo. All the clues that Quentin found, went to a “Paper Town” located near of New York. Here, Quentin and his friends find Margo but not everything that Quentin thought was right...
If you want to know the end of the story, read the book because it is a very nice book very recommendable for teenagers.

THE WEEKEND OF THE 1ST MAY-by Emilia Ruiz-Manjón


This is my last blog of the year so I'm going to try  to do it the best I can.
I want to talk about what I did during the long weekend we had for the 1st of May.

During those days we didn't have class so I made the most of it by going to Iria's house in the country with three of my best friends, obviously Iria, Pia and Rita. 

We got there Thursday afternoon and immediately we went explore the countryside. That day was really fun because we weren't used to that many bugs so when we saw weird or big ones we would scream really loudly and start running around like idiots. After that we started to take in that we were in Trujillo in the countryside so we tried not to do that. 

The next day we saw all the animals, first the horses, there were two white horses I thought they were beautiful. Then we saw the chickens, the cows, that were really funny because when we tried to get closer to them they would ALL run away from us and it was like an stampede. We also saw goats and pigs. That day we just enjoyed the countryside and walked for a very long time. 


Next day we had the friends of her sister come over so we had a barbecue. We went to the river that day, we had our first swim of the summer!
We had a lot of fun also because Cristina's friends were really nice to us and very funny. The car ride back home was very amusing because of the many potholes there were on the rode. At night we had planned to do marshmallows so that's just what we did. We learned how to make a fire with wood, then we got the marshmallows, four sticks, and as easy as that we were eating them, they were really good. 

On Sunday we just did the same, go outside and enjoy the weather and the fresh air. 
That day, we had a really big surprise. We were just playing around with one of the dogs that were there. The dog had a chain tied to a tree and Pia was running so the dog would try to catch her but one time I was in their way and the dog  was running so fast that I didn't realise that he was coming and suddenly the chain hit my feet  so hard that I fell! It was really funny but I didn't want it to happen to me again so I ran away from where the dog would catch me, but then...surprise! An enormous black animal moved really quickly like I had just woken him up so I again ran away and went back with my friends who were laughing really hardly at me. Then we saw that the animal was a very big pig that (we found out later) wasn't with the others because he was too violent and some months ago had killed other pig. We tried getting close to him and nothing happened so we just took a picture to remember the moment.

I had so much fun during that long weekend and I enjoyed a lot.
I hope you liked my blog.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

MY 2015 YEAR-by Miguel López de las Heras

MY 2015 YEAR
The year 2015 has been a really different year to me. I have met a lot of new people that have become really good friends to me, so I am really happy with my classmates this year.
We have made several fun activities this year, such as going to the cinema with the English class or many presentations about Nigeria. These things make me realize how funny and nice my class is this year. I really want to thank all the students from 3ºB for this amazing year.
I would like to thank particularly María Patiño, Sofía Gómez and Mónica García because I had lot of fun with you three. The last year I really didn´t know them well, but now I think they are really special in my life and they are friends in which I can always trust.
I also thank Cristina Ascorve, Jimena, María Pujol, Jorge de Juan, Eduardo and Carlota because they have always helped me this year. They have really shown me that they are my friends and just to be with them is a good reason for me to go happy every day to school.
There are a lot of people like Carmen Peña, Daniela, José, Clara or Marta that I have had really nice moments with, too.
Also, I have shared good moments with students from other classes, like Clara Debaene, Ane, Rita, Iría Sánchez… I really had fun with them and they made my 2015 school one of the best in my life.
I would like to thank not only the students, but also also every teacher for this fantastic year.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC- by Icíar Rodríguez Porrero


A novice named Maria (Julie Andrews) is sent to a house to work as a governess for seven children (their father is really extrict and he works for the Navy, that’s why he is so extrict). She falls in love with the father of the seven children and tries to teach them but she finally becomes their friend because she is really nice and she likes playing dancing and being nice to people. The other nuns do not like her because she is too adventurous and enthusiastic with seeing the outside world and she
does not like being in the convent. When the other nuns say to her that she has to leave some of them are upset about it but some of the others are happy that she leaves because they hated the way she was.

It's a 1965 musical film directed by Robert Wise and starring by Julie Andrews.

This film is really adventurous, funny, and i really recommend this film if you want to laugh.

This film has won six Tony awards, five oscars and two Golden Globes.

The music of this film is really good and I really like one of the first songs that is called MARIA.

You should see it.

MY TIME AT SCHOOL-by Ignacio Ruigómez

For my last peace of work from this year, I am going to speak about the last years I have passed at school. My years in  secondary. Basically I’m going to write a few experiences, how I performed each year and my relationship with some of the teachers
The first year of secondary I was really nervous because a new period in my life was just going to start. Loads of new subjects, and the ones that we already had were going to become very important and our worst nightmares, but as soon as I changed my mind to thinking that everything was possible, I realized that secondary is not made just for bright minds. From my point of view the subject that made my spent most of my time was art, with all its precision.
In the next second years everything happened very fast, but I have really good memory: we built a group of friends and we started going out at night but if you think these days  the time we had to be at home is now the time we start parties. Another good experience is the exchange we had with the school South Dartmoor . My pen pal was really friendly and his family was really helpful with everything and we had so good experience. In the summer he invited me for a week in a knapping north inland.
This last year is being the hardest one because we are going to pass to Bachillerato and we need to be prepared.

The relationship with the teachers hasn’t been brilliant but with some exceptions I’m very  happy with the teachers I have had  .

SPECIAL FOOD-by Ignacio Renobales

It is hard to me to think about one special recipe or a good one, because, to be honest, nowadays I believe my favorite food is our traditional Spanish food rather than a foreign country one.

In my opinion, the high quality of this food is mainly due to the amount of cooking we do in the country. I spent two summers in the United Kingdom and one special thing I saw there was the lack of own food. There were lot of different culturul restaurants such as Chinese, Turkish, Arabic or Italian and only a few 'pubs' in which the served the typical English food, the well-known 'fish and chips' or the 'pie' for instance. Obviously, in Spain there are different restaurants and Italian restaurants are very common for example but the leading food is the Spanish one and you can find it in any corner.

It is said that you have to be in a country to know exactly the type of food they eat so that might be the reason of picking the Spanish food as I haven't been in too many different countries yet but I don't think I would change my mind in the future as the Spanish food is fabulous.


“The Black Lagoon Boarding School”
The Black Lagoon Boarding Schoolis a Spanish TV series, its genre is drama and thriller. It has seven seasons, it started in 2007 and finished in 2010.
In general terms, it is about a group of friends who live in a boarding school, in a forest really far from the city, but this is not a normal school, this school has a lot of secrets and so as the people who live there, in this boarding school occur weird things… Do you want to know more about this fascinating series? Keep reading!
Let’s start from the beginning.
It all began when Marcos and Paula (he is 16 and she is 6, they are siblings) moved to the boarding school because of the disappearance of their parents.
When they arrived, odd things started to happen, things that nobody can explain, they do not know what is going on or what they have to do but one thing they know for sure is that they must not trust anyone, each person can be a threat.

If you want to know what happens, watch it! I am not going to say nothing else for do not doing a spoiler…
Now I will describe the main characters.
Marcos (Martiño Rivas)

He has a little sister and he is a very loving brother, mainly because their parents are missing so they only have each other. He is also very brave but, sometimes, his feelings, does not let him think clearly.  He just wants to know what happened to his parents and if it is connected with that school.
Vicky (Elena Furiase)

She was awarded a scholarship so her family is proud of her, she is smart and also cowardly. This boarding school is very expensive, only the richest families can afford it, and therefore she feels poor and uncomfortable
Iván (Yon González)

He is rich, rebellious and rude, but he takes care of the people who are important for him. He does not give up and he is close to his friends.
Roque (Daniel Retuerta)

He is shy, confident, melancholic. His mates make fun of his height but he just moves on with his life.
Carol (Ana de armas)

She is cute, loyal, supportive, and a good friend. She is not scared about what they are going to find out. She just wants to continue looking for new information.
Paula (Carlota Garcia)

She lives in her fantasy world, she is naughty and she loves being with her best friend, Evelyn.
Julia (Blanca Suárez)

She has a strong mood, she does not like showing her feelings. She arrives to the school in the second season.

THE TRIP-by Carlota de la Puente

The trip

My experience in the trip was fantastic.
I had a great time and the places that we visited were so beautiful.
At first, I was  really nervous ,one week with my schoolmates and teachers outside Madrid ,visiting lots of places , sounds amazing doesn´t it?
We went to lots of villages like Cáceres, Trujillo,and,also we went outside Spain,we spent two days in Portugal , visiting Lisbon and Coimbra.
The place that I liked the most was Lisbon.
The city was so pretty with the sea around it and ,the streets were old but also,other streets which were more ordinary.
In the place that I had lot of fun in, was Trujillo. We all ended up soaked.
In general I spent a great week during the trip with my friends and the teachers.
I'll never forget this experience.

4th OF ESO PROM TRIP - by Lucía Alonso de Medina

Last 23rd of March at 7:30 in the morning, started our school trip.
We entered the bus very excitedly and wanting to have fun.
FIRST DAY (23rd of March)
We travelled Madrid-Guadalupe and when we arrived, we visited the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe. An official tourist guide showed us the monastery and we learned a lot of interesting things about it.
After the visit we ate in a restaurant: salad, chicken and for dessert, a chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

After we ate we went to Trujillo. We had a tourist guide booked.

But…the weather was horrible! It was hailing! And all of us got wet.
When we finished we took the bus again and went to Cáceres.
When we arrived to Cáceres it was at night.
We went to the V Centenary Hotel, the rooms were for 2-3 people.

When our teacher gave us the key of the room my friends and me ran very fast because we wanted to know how our room was. Our room was very big and comfortable and we were very happy to stay there. But our clothes were really wet because of the big rain in Trujillo, so my friends and I tried to dry our clothes with the hair dryer.

SECOND DAY (24th March)
We had breakfast at the hotel. The buffet was fantastic all the food I ate was delicious.
When we finished we took the bus and we went to visit the city of Cáceres (Extremadura).
When we arrived to Cáceres we had an official tourist guide who explained us the most important parts of the city. Also the tourist guide showed us an ancient castle,near to a catholic church, that had been affected by a war .
After the visit we had free time, my friends and I bought presents for our families and took a lot of nice shots together.
Afterwards, we saw the city of Cáceres we took the bus and went to Coimbra (Portugal).
This route was the longest so most of the people slept in the bus, including me.

When we arrived to Coimbra I found it a very beautiful and original city.
Here we had free time and my friends and me, spent it ‘’exploring’’ the city and took pictures.
After that, we went to the Dom Louis hotel.
THIRD DAY (25th of March)
We woke up at 06:00 am. Had breakfast and took the bus to go to Lisbon.
When we arrived we had an official tourist guide that showed us the city: Plaza del Comercio, Torre de Belem…After that we had free time.
Lisbon is a very beautiful city and has a lot historical things to see. It's very different from Spain, for example if you want to enter a public bathroom you have to pay 50 cts. That thing was very curious for me because I had never seen it.

When I was little I stayed in Lisbon with my family and we tasted the typical sweet: ‘’pasteles de Belem’’ so in the free time I bought this sweet for my family.
Afterwards we saw Lisbon we took the bus to go to Mérida.
When we arrived to Mérida it was night. We slept on the Trip Medea hotel.
LAST DAY (26 of March)
We woke up at 07:00 am and took the bus and saw the Roman Theatre. Our tourist guide was my teacher Manuel.
He explained us and showed all the theatre very good.
After that we went to Oropesa (Toledo), we had free time.
The sun was shining and the most of the people spent it to relax.
Finally we came back to Madrid and this trip was really funny! Jokes on the microphone, my friend and me painted our nails and of course we sang a lot of different kinds of music.
I want to say thanks for all my friends, the bus driver that was very nice with us, the tourist guides because they showed us a lot of things and all the teachers that have thought out this trip and took care of us: Beatriz, Manuel, Maite and Aurelio.


My friends and me -Coimbra

Monasterio de los Jerónimos-Lisbon

Roman theatre-Mérida

Royal monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe-Guadalupe