martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015


-One of the things that could be good for students and teachers would be to have more time between classes to go to the bathroom, to prepare all your books, etc...
-Another thing that could be good is when a class finishes a lesson, if a student has something to say to the teacher or something that the student doesn't understand, the teacher could have five minuts to explain the student or speak to the student in the playground about it, or the next class the teacher has with the student.
-At the start of the term the teachers could give to the students a paper with all the future exams and all what students are going to learn, and so, the students could organise their time better. For example, if a student is going for a weekend to France he/she can't do homeworks or study but if he/she knows what to do that week, he/she can do all their homework in advance.
-During the breaks, students go to the playground they could have the opportunity to buy healthy food like fruit and chocolate bars or something like that.
-To give students balls to play football or basketball.
-In lunch time, to let students choose what they want to eat, and try that the menu will be healthy and jummy.
-At the end of the classes at 5p.m. have more activities to do, like a place where you can do homework or study, do sports...

Here are some things that could be do a better school!

Marta Eguia 3ESO B

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