lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD-by Marta de la Cuesta


The book which I am reviewing is “To kill a mockingbird” by Harper Lee, a horrible story about an unfair society set during 1930´s

Scout the narrator of the story tells us howlife in Maycomb (Alabama) is. There she lives with her father Atticus Finch, an important hard-working lawyer, and her brother James. Maycomb is described by Scout as a tired old town and everyone was affected by the depression.

Atticus is a fair and loving father. He is a positive role model for his two children Scout and Jem, because he teaches them life lessons; “you never really understand a person, until you consider things from his point of view”. Scout narrates the story, so we can see the novel through the eyes of a child. During the book you can see how she´s growing up and learning things about life. Tom Robinson is a poor black man, accused of raping a white girl. Atticus as a lawyer is trying to defend Tom.
At the time of the trial Mayella Ewell, the victim, tries to defend herself lying.

Harper Lee gives us 3 important messages to understand; prejudice: “ it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because mockingbirds don´t  do one thing, but make music for us to enjoy”, racism; in the novel Maycomb has a racist society, where the black people ´Negroes´ don´t have the same rights as the white people. Sexism: the novel is sexist because there´s no women in the jury.

In my opinion humor plays a very large part in the book. Much of the novel deals with peaceful events in Maycomb, events that are often humorous.

The style of the writing is clear, but sometimes hard to understand some words. Lee captured my mind with the horrifying story about a racist, prejudicial and sexist society.

I would like to recommend this book for any reader under twelve or thirteen and I want to give it a punctuation of 8/10 

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