martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

A GOOD SCHOOL MUST HAVE...-by Gabriela Olazábal

A good school must have:

Not many hours of class, because I think that if you have a lot of hours of class in a row, you end up very tired and you don't pay atention to the rest of the classes.

To not have a lot of homework because if you don't have a lot of homeworks you have more time to study and learn and I think that a lot of homework is unnecesary because we spend a lot of time at school studing and we need to rest. Also, at wekeend we don't have a lot of time to rest because we need to do homewoork too.

To have more interesting lessons

To not have difficult exams because I think it's better to do examens with the main things that we have to know about the lessons, because I think they are the really important things that we are going to remember in the future.

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