miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015


Christmas in different countries.

Christmas is celebrated throughout the world. In almost every house there is a Christmas tree, a Christmas decoration, a meal, something to remember we are in Christmas holiday. But each country celebrates Christmas differently.
These are some of the traditions and celebrations of some countries:


Christmas begins in Spain with the traditional Christmas lottery December 22nd. Two days later, on the night of December 24th, Christmas Eve, you have dinner with your family.
December 31 at 00:00 hours 12 grapes are eaten in time to the 12 bells of the clock from Puerta del Sol.
The Spanish Christmas finishes with the arrival of the Holy Three Kings. On the night of January 5th all the children with their parents attend the Rides of Kings.
And the January 6th, once the gifts have been opened they eat the traditional King cake accompanied by a good cup of hot chocolate.

On New Year’s Eve they eat lentils instead of grapes and on Christmas Eve, families gather at the table for the traditional cenone (The Big Dinner). That night the children are visited by Santa Claus. But there are more gifts, which on January 5 delivers a good witch named Befana.

The day after Christmas dinner, the children wait for the gifts. When a bell rings (that is placed behind the door), the children run away to take the presents that are under the tree but they can’t open them until they sing the traditional carol‘’Stille Nacht’’ (Silent Night).

For the British, the mistletoe is an icon of Christmas. The branch of this plant protects against evil and brings luck to the household. The tradition is to stand under a mistletoe and kiss the person you have in front, as a symbol of good luck.

People usually go ice skating on Christmas Day after the familiar typical food. St. Nicholas (Santa Claus), visit on December 4th the children from the city to verify that they were good, and two days later he returns to leave gifts and candies to those who behaved well and a sprig in the shoe to the most naughty.

For the French, Christmas begin December 6th with the arrival of St. Nicholas, who brings gifts to children. On November 25th that is the day of Sainte Catherine, you can breathe the Christmas atmosphere. The Advent Calendar is very widespread and you have to open a window and eat a candy or a chocolate every day.


On December 13th, the day of Santa Lucia, the smallest of the house wakes her parents with a breakfast made with coffee and cakes. The girl wears a hat with bright candles and all the members of the family call her "Queen Lucia". For a day it is the most important person in the family, because it represents the light and fire.

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