viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

HOMEWORK-by Mario Campos

In this essay I am going to talk about homework, which nowadays is one of the most discussed topics in society. In fact it is not only the students the ones who are complaining about this, but the parents as well. Homework has many pros and cons.
On the one hand, I am against homework for many obvious reasons; one of them is that teachers always give us too much homework to do which takes us an awful lot of our free time. Not only that, but the tasks given are often repetitive so you reach the point in which it doesn’t even entertain you anymore, but it tires you out.
Further disadvantages are that homework is often copied by many people which prevents them from learning. You sometimes require help to do it which can be really hard to get, and if you forget to do it, even if it has only happened once, you are doomed.
On the other hand, we need to do homework because certain subjects such as maths or science need practising in and outside school. We also need to investigate particular stuff on our own which will help us in our learning strategies so that we start getting more and more independent each day.
Additional advantages can be either the fact that when we are doing homework we are spending the time doing something useful instead of wasting it playing with the xbox, computer… or also the fact that at the same time as you are doing homework you are learning how to work hard, which will be needed in the future.

All in all, I think homework can be both good and bad depending on the quantity, the subject, the effort that is put into it. If we can have leisure time and still do things that help us learn we will be on the right track.

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