domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015


Christmas twins! 

Once upon a time a lovely couple, Edward and Alice, met and got married during a cruise on Christmas time. After the birth of their twin daughters, Lisa and Helen, they had got divorced and lost contact. The parents decided to separate the kids as well. Alice and Lissa lived in London in a great big house while Helen lived with her father in the countryside of New York.

Over 14 years passed without Lisa knowing that she had a twin sister,Helen. Alice decided to visit New York for the Christmas holidays, and they would stay in a hotel without knowing that her ex-husband lived there with the other twin Helen. Lisa and her mother went to a Shopping Centre to buy Christmas presents for the whole family, while Alice was having a coffee downstairs , Lissa entered a shop to try on some clothes. When she was looking at the mirror she saw herself twice, so she turned around and suddenly there was Helen!  They were so confused, they didn’t understand what was happening so they told each other everything about of their lives. They discovered that they were twins! Each of them had a piece of a photo, Helen had the one where her father was and Lisa the one with her mother.  
Helen and Lisa decided to tell their parents so they could have a Christmas holidays together as sisters, their parents accepted so they all went to Alice’s house in London so Helen could meet her grandparents and give them their Christmas presents.
They arrived  on the 23rd of December to London, on the night of the 24th they had the first Christmas dinner as a family, they gave each other their presents!

Finally Edward and Alice got married again and they lived in Alice’s massive house in London with their lovely twins and Alice’s parents. 

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