miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016


In 1953, Kilian abondons the mountains of Spain to embark on a journey with his brother. They go to Fernando Poo, a former spanish colony in Ecuatorial Guinea. Their father is there waiting for them on the farm of Sampaka(the colony). In Sampaka one of the best cocoas in the world is cultivated. They discover that in the colony the social life is the same than in Spain, which will leave the contrasts between settlers and natives and he will find out the meaning of friendship, passion, love and hatred. Clarence accidentally discovers a forgotten letter for years, pushing it to travel from the quiet life in the mountains of Huesca to Bioko. Their goal is to visit the land where his father and his uncle Kilian have spent most of their youth, and thus try to solve family mysteries and reveal the secrets of what happened. In the bowels of a territory so lush and seductive as dangerous, Clarence unearths the secret of a story of impossible love, framed in a turbulent historical circumstances whose consequences will reach the present.

This film have a book too. I read the book and I was looking forward to see the film in the cinema. I saw it last weekend and it's really good. I loved the film. I love the film to because Mario Casas has one of the main roles and I love him. I recommend it to all the people. It is a film that you need to see. I love the film. I love the film to because Pablo Alborán is my favourite artist and he did the principal song of Palmeras en la Nieve.


VALENTINE'S DAY-by Marina de Miranda

The origin of Valentine’s Day comes from its saint, Valentine.
In the second century the emperor who ruled Rome, decided to ban marriages for young people because in their opinion the bachelors without family were better soldiers. Valentine, who was a Christian priest thought that it was unfair and devoted himself to celebrate secret marriages for young people in love. The emperor found out and at first he didn’t care but the army and the governor of Rome ordered him to cut off his head.
The emperor gave the orders to imprison Valentin, and the official, entrusted to imprison him, asked him if he could return the sight to his daughter, who was born blind. Valentine agreed and restored her sight.
However Valentin was still kept prisoner and the emperor ordered him to be executed on 14 February 270. His body is kept in Terni (Italy).
Currently on February 14
Valentine's Day is celebrated. In this day couples in love make gifts to each other and celebrate the day together.
Often boys do not succeed very well with gifts because they get either too complicated when at the end what all the girls want is a small detail.
Here's a short list to succeed with gifts this year:

  • ·         Make breakfast in bed.
  •       Organize a romantic dinner.
  •       Give tickets to be going to see a performance of theater, musical…
  • ·         Do something manual as a card, a cake ...
  • ·         Give a rose or a bouquet of flowers (always succeed).

   And if you're single on Valentine's Day you also have a list for a perfect day:
·         Don’t stay at home watching a romantic movie. What you must do is go out at night with your friends for dinner at a restaurant, dancing to a nightclub ...
·         As is the Valentine's Day, is the best day to tell what you feel to the guy you like, because nothing ventured nothing gained.
·         And if that day you don’t want to go out, organize a Valentine’s party at home and as this year falls on a weekend so you have no excuse.
A great idea for this kind of party is a party of traffic light, which is that singles should wear a green sticker, couples a red sticker and those that are knowing someone a yellow sticker.
I hope that it helps you and that you surprise your pairs.
Have a great day!!!!

CITIZEN KANE-by Máximo Herreros


Charles Foster Kane, the media tycoon, owner of one of the most important newspaper chains, two unions, a radio web and a large collection of artworks, dies in Xanadu, the huge castle that he built just for him. The last word that Kane says before dying is “Rosebud”, whose meaning is a mystery.
But a journalist isn’t satisfied with that doubt, so he will conduct an investigation about the person of Kane and his mysterious past, asking who knew him.

Although the film only won one Oscar and two awards more, the way the story is told (by flashbacks that show what the characters are remembering while they are asked about Kane´s life) and the kind of changes that the main character suffers during the film, this film has been consecrated as one of the best movies ever.

The film was directed by Orson Welles and the main character (Mr.Kane) was played by him too. The movie is based on the real life of William Randolph Hearst, a real media tycoon.

I recommend to see it.

THE REVENANT-by Alejandro Mira

Today I’m going to talk about the film "The Revenant".
To start, I want to say that the film is based in real facts, so it adds more interest to the film. The story is awesome
The film happens in Texas, one of the things that you can see in the film is that anything is impossible in this world and in this film you can see how beautiful nature is.
For me the best thing in this film is how Dicaprio acts, he does an incredible character it’s amazing. I  am sure that he is going to win the Oscar if he doesn’t win it, it will be unfair. The other actors did a very good job in the film.
The scene that really impacts me a lot was when the bear attacks to Dicaprio that’s amazing but very intense too.
I really recommend this film, if you like real stories and animals you will enjoy this film.

FRIENDS-by Paloma Macazaga

“Friends” is an American comedy show which was created and produced by Marta Kauffman and David Crane. The show started airing in 1993 and it finished in 2004, though, due to its success and popularity, it is still airing on TV now. This show is about a very good group of friends – Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), Monica Geller (Courtney Cox), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc), Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) and Ross Geller (David Schwimmer) – who are in New York living their lives. They hang out together, usually at a coffee shop called Central Perk, and they do very simple things that every group of friends would do. Some of them have known each other since high school, others have been added to the group later, but they all show us spectators what it means to be a good friend. Obviously there are some romance issues and fights between them and other people but as I said, they’re just like any other group of friends… kind of. It has got 10 seasons, each of them has got 24 episodes but the last one which has got 18 episodes and they last for about 25 minutes.
The show was produced in the United States so well that they decided to air it all around the World, and since then it has been considered one of the best shows of all time.
 I personally love this program and I’m obsessed with it. It makes me laugh a lot and it is very entertaining. I’m currently half way through the show and thinking about finishing it makes me a bit sad since it’s such a good show. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone not just because it’s very funny, but also because it teaches you how important friendship is.