martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

THE RING-by Elena Muñoz


The Ring was directed by Gore Verbinski and the main character is played by Naomi Watts(the same actress of The Impossible). It was made in 2002. It is based on "Ringu", the original japanese version.
This story is about a young journalist called Rachel whose niece dies(at the same time as some of her friends), and nobody knows why. Rachel starts searching for things that Katie, her niece, did before she died.
Rachel finds a tape that the group of teenagers had watched in an old house a few days before their deaths. She watches the tape, which is very strange, and when it finishes the phone rings. Rachel answers the phone and a voice says: “You will die in seven days”. Rachel asks her ex-husband for help, but he thinks that it is a joke. He starts to believe it when he watches the video and strange things happens and when accidentally Aidan, their son, watches the tape.

I think that this film is very scary but I am not used to watching horror films so my opinion isn´t very reliable. It makes your blood run cold.
It doesn´t have a lot of music, but sometimes silence is significantly scarier than music.
Naomi Watts is very good in this film but in my opinion her character is crazy, she acts like a little silly person.
I wouldn´t recommend this film to children although if you like horror films you will have a good time.

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