miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

CITIZEN KANE-by Máximo Herreros


Charles Foster Kane, the media tycoon, owner of one of the most important newspaper chains, two unions, a radio web and a large collection of artworks, dies in Xanadu, the huge castle that he built just for him. The last word that Kane says before dying is “Rosebud”, whose meaning is a mystery.
But a journalist isn’t satisfied with that doubt, so he will conduct an investigation about the person of Kane and his mysterious past, asking who knew him.

Although the film only won one Oscar and two awards more, the way the story is told (by flashbacks that show what the characters are remembering while they are asked about Kane´s life) and the kind of changes that the main character suffers during the film, this film has been consecrated as one of the best movies ever.

The film was directed by Orson Welles and the main character (Mr.Kane) was played by him too. The movie is based on the real life of William Randolph Hearst, a real media tycoon.

I recommend to see it.

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