martes, 26 de abril de 2016

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY-by Máximo Herreros


This in a quite old film, but I saw it for first time a month ago. It was made in 1968 by the famous director Stanley Kubrick, and it travels the past and to the future of humanity. In the first scenes, the world is in a pre-human stage, and in the desert, apes and lions fight for the supremacy. Suddenly, a strange black block appears one morning in the middle of the valley. After that, the monkeys discover that the bones of dead beasts can be used as a weapon.

The next scenes, narrate the life of a scientific that works in a space station. Million years after the event of the black block and the apes, another black block has been found buried in the Moon.
The investigation leads to the planet Jupiter. A spaceship is doing the journey there. That spaceship is controlled by the last-generation computer; HAL 9000, which controls most of the spacecraft systems. HAL 9000 has a fault and starts killing all the spaceship member except the captain, that achieves to deactivate HAL 9000, but it’s too late, the spaceship has been caught in a wormhole, and it is teleported to an estrange dimension in which the time passes in a different way.

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