lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW...-by Carmen Merello

Five year from now…

Five years from now I will be 20 years old. Oh my God! That is too old! Right now it seems like that future is so far away, but if we thought about it carefully, we would be amazed by how quickly the time passes. Let's look back at our lives a little. Three years ago we were so excited to start the ESO but next year we will finish it,and then with Bachillerato, we will have finished school(if we are lucky and we study), forever. We will never go back to our childhood.
To tell you the truth, five years from now I see myself stressed out about university. One of my goals in life is to be a memorable medical scientist. I would love to find the cure for cancer or any other important cure, and, as you can guess, I would like to study a medical degree. Everyone, even my family, says that a medical degree is such a difficult  course and I would have to work harder than ever in my life. So, I see myself studying a lot everyday.
I also see myself older obviously, and I hope I grow up because I'm tiny rigth now. I hope I will stay in contact with some of my school friends and I also hope to meet new people and make new relation ships.I hope that I won't  regret anything in the past five years,(from now to five years from now). I see myself discovering new places, music, hobbies , movies and I see myself travelling around the world.
And last but not least I see my family more attached than ever. I hope that everything stays the same and that nothing terrible happens.

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