miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016


Animals in extinction
Lots of animals are losing their habitats and their conditions of lifestyle, so they are dying. The whole world is losing races and increasingly the animals are going into extinction. We don’t want the Earth without animals or plants, because it would cause strong problems for us and they wouldn’t be very nice. I’m going to talk about few animals that are already under extinction:
1.     Magellanic penguin: The fishes that habits the icy waters of Antarctica are emigrating because of warming of ocean currents. These fish are penguin’s food, so they are forced to travel hundreds of kilometers to find new food.
2.     Polar bears: Their habitat is seriously being threatened by the melting icecaps in the Arctic, resulting in the isolation of the species, more difficulty for getting food and sometimes there are distances that are too long to swim.
3.     Mountain gorilla: They could completely disappear in the future. In critical situation there are just some populations around the Congo River that have this kind of gorilla.
4.     Tiger: Its population has declined a lot because of human encroachment of their habitat and poaching.

For improving this situation, we should be careful with the environment and take care of the animals. 

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