viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

BOMBINGS IN ALEPO-by Lucía de Soto

CAIRO, EGYPT (06/APRIL / 2016). 

This offense has happened on April 6th in a city , which is in Cairo, Alepo (north of Syria). 
At least 18 persons there have died (there are three under aged, an old person  and  a   pregnant  woman  between the deceased )  and  70 persons who turned  out  to  be  injured in  the bombings carried out by the Islamist young  people  in  a  quarter  in  power  of the Kurdish forces. 
Some of the wounded are in a serious condition. 
Among the bombed in the quarter,  there  were  different  Islamist.                                                                  
Syria has suffered for five years a conflict in which more  than 270 thousand people have died.

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