domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

3RD ESO 2016-by Diego Fernández

3º ESO 2016 YEAR

3º ESO. A school year and course  everyone fears. A course where global exams are mandatory. A year where we have to start taking decisions that will mark our future. A grade where some people might start a bilingual high school as an extra curriculum activity. Everyone takes school as an easy activity until this course, things start to get serious. New teachers, new lessons and different types of exams. It's a grade where practically everything changes.
Everyone kept warning me about the difficulties I would have to face this year. Although I kept receiving all these comments, once the school year started I realized that the "legend" the school had made up about this grade, in my opinion, was all a type of farce (not in an offensive way). I was able to adapt perfectly to this "huge" change and even maintain many other extra curriculum activity apart from this "challenging" course.
At the beginning of this grade, apart from being obviously scared, I was a little bit fed up with my class I was chosen to be in, as practically all my friends were in another class. Going through the year I became more and more friends with my current friends group. It was quite challenging at first as I barely knew them but now we're great friends and I even keep my old friendships (we are all a group now).
Academically I was also annoyed as I didn't coincide with most of my old teachers who I was used to. Although I was firstly furious I now thank this change, as I prefer much better my new teachers. I think the method we have this year of learning is much more effective and clear than last years. Some new teaching tools like science bits facilitate the teachers task which is the main key to me thinking the education has improved. There are still some things that could be improved but I was very pleased.
Lastly I want to comment on my annual and daily lunches at school. This year my mother decided I had to stay one more year on the school's lunchroom. Although the lunches they offer absolutely disgust me, I have to admit this year there has been an improvement. As well as having a food improvement, we have had a change in the person which takes care of us and it has been an absolute triumph. The lady that watches us now is quite a kind one and I would consider to have a good relation with, not like last year.

Now that we are meeting an end to the school year everyone is rushing to finish things and killing themselves to studying for final exams. Overall, school is not the thing I love the most but I must admit this year was quite a good one.  I got to know new people which some are now my friends, I had loads of fun and learned a great amount of things in classes and I got to have new and great experiences.

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