miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

MY HOLY WEEK-by María Moratinos

This month I´ll do my blog on my Holy Week:
I went to Santander for five days and the seven other days I stayed in Madrid.
My five days in Santander were in a town called “ Hazas Cesto ” with my parents, my brother, my uncles and my cousins and who invited us to their house.
Every morning my mother, my aunts and I woke up to walk at 9 and we walked through the countryside, since on the first week of July we are going to do the last 100 km of the road to Santiago. We made an average of 11 kilometers. Then we went to the beach and to visit interesting places.
After lunch we went to many different sites where ate very well.
In the evenings we did many different plans: once we went to a market in a nearby town.In the evening we went to take some pictures at Berria beach and another evening went on a route quat.
In the evenings we went to dinner at a restaurant that was near the house.
On the last night we went to Santander to have dinner at a “arroceria” called “ La Trainera “and took a very typical rice with clams there.
In Madrid I studied for the recovery of language and also stayed with my friends.
Ultimately this Easter I've had very good time and I have enjoyed my time with my family.


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