lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

MY FUTURE-by María González

Thinking about my future I think I would like to go to University, get married and have children. Also I want to help other people and in my free time I would like to do surf and if I can enter in a competition that would be amazing. 
When I finish school I want to go to University to study medicine because medicine has always interested me and when I was little I always played doctors with my dolls. Medicine was the first career that I wanted to study but when I think that I have to study eight years I am not sure if I want to study that long, so maybe I might change my mind in the future and study something that I can finish before and do other things.
When I finish University I want to travel and go to places like India, China and  Australia and if I have money all around the world because I haven't travelled a lot already and I love visiting new cities. When I went to London I really enjoyed visiting diffrenet places and learnig about their culture. 
Also I would like to work in an NGO and go to Africa and look after the people there and work with the people who are helping to give a better life to those people that suffer so much and give them some good things for having a normal life or try it spending time with them and helping with their jobs. I think this would make me realise how lucky I am to have the oportunities that I have in my life and do the thing that I want to do. 

María González Muñoz 

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