lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

THIS YEAR-by Lucía de Soto

When we started the school I didn´t know anyone apart from my best friends and I was in another class alone, with my best friends, so it was hard until I adapted to my new class.
While the days passed I was getting through my new class. I made new friends and nowadays I have a lot of fun with them, and I have a great time with them. Later I made more friends with other girls, and know I spend more time with them than with my group.
Apart from making new friends, it was hard because of studies. Until Iadapted to all the teachers it took me a long time, and nowadays I'm not adapted to all the teachers, this is very hard.
Apart from all these things, I have got a lot of fun. I liked a lot all the excursions we have done, and all the groups work. But in my opinion I think that we could have done more fun activities, like the last year. I am so nervous for the GLOBALS!!! What will happen, because some subjects are very difficult and so long…And I am also scared if I have to do three subjets for September and I don´t pass any of them and I have to do the year again.
I am so nervous about what is going to happen this final part of the year with the globals!

                                                                                              3ºESO B

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