martes, 31 de mayo de 2016


A year of changes.
It all started at the beginning of September. I returned to my second home with my second family; all the people were really happy but they said that they did not want to return to school because the summer had been amazing. I think that all the humans long for the place where they spend most of the year.
I started to look at my school, the white wall which I hate and I've missed so many times in the last twelve years I've been at school. I looked at the eight trees that give way to the front steps which I have seen so many times and I have forgotten so many others.
When I saw my friend Javi I was really nervous because I hadn´t known anything about him during the summer and I only wanted to speak to him. I saw the rest of my friends and we talked about the summer.
Then we went to the assembly hall where the cloister said what classes to go to and what tutors we would have during the next nine months. Nine months; forty-three weeks; Oh my god in forty-three weeks I could only do two things, either go through third course or let third course pass through me.
I was in the letter B, with people that I knew and others that I had never spoken to. I was happy with my class but I didn´t want the people that I hadn't met to have a bad impression of me; I tried to go unnoticed but that is not my specialty .
My grades were worse because I thought that doing the same that in the second course I would pass the third course,with the same easyness and this was not true.
At home my sister was really controlling and really annoying, I didn´t know why...People say that it's because she loves me, but I still think she did not do it with love or at least she wasn´t good showing it, she only wanted to know things. My father was more relaxed because he felt bad because his back hurt. And my mum and my little sister were normal, like last year.
In this quarter the worst thing that ever happened to me was passing only five subjects. With these qualifications my punishment was to stay in Madrid during Christmas. I couldn´t go to Zaragoza with my famiy. My friends said me that some teachers were really bad so I couldn´t pass some subjects; but the truth is it was that was my fault. I was really angry at myself, I only wanted stay in my room and wait for everything to pass, but I knew that this was impossible.

In the second quarter I was more concentrated, I learned the lesson, If I did not study I wouldn´t have a holliday.
In this quarter I was more confident with my school mates and with my teachers, I knew  the character of each and they knew my character.
This quarter passed by really fast.
Next thing I knew, test were just around the corner. But in this time I didn´t go so bad and I thought that I could pass with all the subject, but for some circumstances I didn´t get my goal.
In this quarter we made a group of friends where all the friends were happy within this group. And in the class there weren´t a lot of problems.
At home more or less similar to the other quarter, my father was better and my sister more annoying, but my mother was strange because she was more focused in Pilar but I did not know why.
At the end I stayed in Madrid again because in this quarter I only passed eight subjects.
I hope I can pass everything in this last quarter so I can enjoy my hollidays and finally feel good about myself. I also hope that all the friends that I have done stay together and we keep in contact after this course. This year has been full of good and bad things but especially full of changes.

The third quarter is being normal like the second quarter

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