martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

MY SCHOOL YEAR-by María Moratinos

This month I'll do my blog as a final assessment of the school year:
This year, in my opinion, has been a normal year. Everyone said this course was difficult and hard, but I think if you work every day , you can cope with it easier.
In my opinion doing homework helps you a lot because you review on what you did before.
And with tests it's better to prepare them with more time, one or two days before if it's difficult. They have more content and are more difficult.
This year we have global exams for each subject. There, you have all the questions you have been given throughout the whole year.
3 ESO has been a lot of fun during the course because friends have helped me a lot and I have been very comfortable in class.
My grades have been normal, better or worse, but normal. During the first evaluation I didn't flunk any, in the second I flunked Lengua and the in the third evaluation I hope not to fail any subjects.
My conclusion is that it has been a year like any other with its difficulties and its advantages. I think that we have prepared very well for the next year 4th ESO that is the last school year before high school.

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