martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

ANABELLE-REVIEW-by Sofía Gómez Rodríguez-Arias

ANNABELLE ( review )
I saw Annabelle last week with some friends, I´m going to talk about it so that you know how it is.
Well, the first thing you should know is that I personally don´t like scary films, and this film is really scary.
The film talks about a just married couple that are going to have a baby, their neighbors give them a wrist, which I find horrible and frightening, that night the neighbors’ missing daughter goes to her old house and kills her mum then she goes with her dad and tries to kill the good couple but they fail and the police comes and finally kills them, but when the daughter dies she has in her hands the wrist, the wife sees this and she decides to throw the wrist but the films goes back to the house and weird things start to happen, and then… if you are interested in what happens next I would recommend you to see this film but if you are as sensitive as me don’t see it, for your own sake.
The good points of this film are that it is really realistic and you seriously believe what is happening and feel that it you are actually in the film and not just watching it.

I would give this film a 7 and I wouldn’t recommend it to children under 13 years.

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