domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014



Well, today im going to talk about one of my favourite book/movie, The Lord of the Rings.

This novel was written by J.R.R Tolkien, who is also one of my favourite writers.

It talks about bravery, friensdhip, love, fantasy…

The story starts in the middle earth, in a place called “Hobbiton”, there live the hobbits, who are like little humans. Amongst them, lives a hobbit called Bilbo Bolson, who is writing a story about all his adventures, and he also has a nephew called Frodo, one of the protagonists of this novel.

In Hobbiton also lives Sam, a shy hobbit who is Frodo`s best friend. And two funny and naughty hobbits, Pippin and Merry.

On Bilbo`s birthday, Frodo finds a ring, that takes him into a wonderful adventure.

Then, so many events take place during his travel, with the ring comunity, That is formed by:

-Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry.
-Aragorn, half elf and half human.
-Gandalf, a wizard.
-Legolas, an elf.
-Gimli, a dwarf.
-Boromir, a human.

During the travel to destruct the ring, they have to fight against dangerous creatures, as ogres, trolls, the wizard Saruman, gollum and the Sauron eye.

And also we can watch the progress of the character's personality, for example how a little scared hobbit, turns into a brave hobbit, or how frienship solves every problem.

There are in this novel a lot of places that I really liked, for example Hobbiton, Lothlorien, etc.

The movie has an amazing soundtrack:

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