martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


The real story of Santa Claus:
Everybody knows something about the famous legend of Christmas...the lovely and fat Santa Claus. But not so many people know about the real story of this man. The tradition to receive presents on Christmas that this odd and agil men leaves at our house in the middle of the night, is something that we have been doing since many years. But the real story, is something a little bit longer.

The real santa.
This man was the not as well known , Bishop St. Nicholas of Bari. Born in a village of ancient Turkey called Lycia . The story basically tells that , at Christmas time , this bishop , observed poverty by passing by some of his neighbors . Moved by compassion and generosity , he decided to throw a few coins wrapped in cloth out the window outside their homes, always disappearing without being seen. One of the three neighbors who were helped , ran after him to reach by Nicholas, who made ​​him swear to keep the secret until his death. This secret was kept it until his death , many years later. 

The apparence.
The bishop did not look like the current Santa. The truth is that he was a young man, tall and thin. And it was not until 1809, when the writer Washington Irving, in a book titled Knickerbocker 's History of New York decided to modify the appearance of the bishop by making him the fat and smiling man that he is today. This Santa Claus wore clothes in white and gold, wearing a fur coat and carrying a Dutch pipe and a hat with wings. The next years, Santa Claus took on different outfits in different colors like green for example. 
The Coca cola company was, years later in 1931,who decided to choose the Santa Claus dressed in red entrusting this design to the American painter Thomas Nast . Although this had been originally created by the magazine “Puck” around the year 1902. Since the multinational became so popular, this character as become imperative for Christmas .

The name

The name Santa Claus is derived from Sinterklass (St. Nicholas) , it was how the dutch called him, and when they founded New Holland (New York) they told the Americans about this men to ,who with their  pronounciation ended up modifying his name to Santa Claus. And when they came to Europe they called him Father Christmas, name that has been translated to different languages like spanish for example ( Papa Noel ).
∙There are many legends about this beloved character . But most important is that thanks to a priest who decided to take part of his generosity hundred years ago , today wecan all live the Christmas season with a lot more enthusiasm , especially children .

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