jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

MY 15th BIRTHDAY-by Emilia Ruiz Manjón

My 15th birthday!

       The 26th of march is a very special day for me. It's my birthday but I've been waiting for this year in particular to come, because I finally turned 15!!
My birthday turned out to be one of the best birthdays of my whole life so I wanted to share with you my day.
I woke up and then went with my brother to Vips because he was going to invite me to have breakfast.
When we finished, my friend Iria came and we walked to school together. 
When we arrived, my brother left and Iria and I went to look for our class, we finally found them watching a film. When my classmates saw me, they wished me a happy birthday. My closest friends ran to me to hug me and wish me a happy birthday, that was so nice!
 At one o'clock I came back home to meet my family and then we had lunch with them. When I arrived at my house my mom told me to clean my room, and that surprised me a lot because I wouldn't expect my mom to tell me to clean up on the day of my birthday, even though I didn't want to do it, I just went to my room. When I entered my room SURPRISE! there was my present laying on my bed with a really cute bouquet of candies. The gift was a really nice purse. I was really happy for my present so I thanked my family and then we walked to the restaurant.

The place was a moroccan restaurant which was called Almounia. I really liked the food, it tasted very good and it was great tasting new flavors . In the middle of lunch my dad received a call and stood up and said he had to go get a book that a mailman was going to bring him. When he came back he was carrying a beautiful bouquet of fifteen yellow tulips and a letter. The flowers were from my godmother who wasn't in Spain the day of my birthday and we have a really close relationship. I found that little gift so kind and pretty much awesome.

We entered back home and I was late for school so I ran to my room to get my things but when I got in I found out that I had another present! I was so excited! It was a pair of shoes that I liked a lot.

I returned to school, attended class, and then, again went back home. In the afternoon I went shopping with my mom. After that, in the evening I was going to have dinner with my friends at Iria's house, we were going to be six or something like that, even though it wasn't a really big party I was excited because I also like simple things. I called Iria because I wanted to tell her that I was going to arrive late but she just told me to not worry because she had just left the dentist (I heard car noises...) 
I finally got there and instead of a simple dinner it was a surprise birthday party with all of my friends. It was such a huge surprise! I didn't expect that to happen. I thanked them so much. They also told me that the car noises were they trying to imitate them.  Another surprise was that my best friend, who lives in Segovia, had just come to see me the day of my birthday, that was really sweet.

Later on, they gave me the presents and saw a video which almost made me cry. My best friend, Bea had spent so much time doing it and it was great! She had put together videos since when I was really little to present time. It was a perfect finish for my birthday!

I'm sure I'll remember this day all my life because many people say the 15th birthday for a girl is really special and for me. It was really really memorable.

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