jueves, 30 de abril de 2015



I´m going to talk about one amazing experience that I had 4 years ago. I could say that it was my first real contact with English.
I was eleven years old, and I had just finished the fifth year of primary, when my parents told me that I was going  to live with an english family for one month.
The family lived in Alicante, but they didn´t speak spanish, so my parents thought that this option could be good for me , to practise and learn English without leaving Spain, and to make contact with english people. Also they talked with my best friend´s parents to send us together to this family.
It wouldn´t be just stay with the family the whole day, we would have clases, excursions, sports... and a lot of activities organized by the agency.
I was really nervous and eager, because I was conviced that this travel would be a really fun time for me, and one of the best summers of my live.
When we arrived to  Alicante our parents met the english family, so we ate and spent the evening all together, then our parents left to Madrid.
The family showed us our room, and we just unpacked.
 First of all we were to shy , but they were lovely people that welcomed us perfectly and made us talk and talk, to practise a lot of english. They told us a lot of funny stories, about their life, children, work, experiences... and of course we told them a lot of things about our life, too.They had one daugther and one son,but they both were working in London, so we couldn´t see them.
The first day of class was really nice, because the classes were outdoors, the teacher was really friendly and we made a lot of friends that were in other familys. Instead of remember boring clases I just remember that we were learning english and having fun at the same time.
Our daily routine was: getting up, having breakfast, going to class, doing sports, eating at the canteen, and returning home to spend the evening in family.
In the house there was a swimming pool were my friend and I, spend hours and hours...
On the weekends we dindn´t have to go to “school” and we had excursions. One of the weekends we went to the water park, Aquopolis, I really really enjoyed that day, and I would like to return to this place. There were lots of attractions, water slides, “boats”.... so we returned very tired and happy.
Every sunday, the family and us went to the beach to have a picnic there, and to be closer to them. I will always have very nice memories about this experience, because since we arrived Alicante,I enjoyed all the moments that we experienced.
I recommend you to have a similar experience, and to visit Alicante if haven´t visited it yet!
                               MARÍA RAMÍREZ

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