martes, 21 de abril de 2015


How poor they are and how fortunate we are...

First of all I want to talk about the difference between the  life of the Nigerian children and the Spanish one. Many Nigerian children are living under extreme circumstances because of violence in their country . Those children, are losing their homes, they don't receive any  public education, and their lives are constantly in danger...  The situation in Nigeria is becoming more and more dangerous. Approximately one million people have had to leave their homes to escape the violence that is taking place in the North of the country. Most of the people moved to Chad, Cameroon and Niger. This has caused an overpopulation in some regions of Africa and, consequently,  a big growth of  the children malnutrition that end up sick because of lack of food. In Nigeria, more than 10.5 million children that are out of school, especially in the North of the country. There are organizations like UNICEF who are trying to find a solution for this country and that solution is the education.It is the main tool for a country to work and prosper.It might be a good idea to send more volunteers to teach their children, to help them building their homes, doctors to cure these numerous diseases or injures because the war…On the other hand  spanish children will never have to worry about this kind of problem.The great mayority is educated to be able to exercise a good profession in the future. They have a good diet (there is a lot of food that even a large part of the child population is overweight, thing that a Nigerian is hard to get). They all also have a health care and doctors who cure. They have also homes in which they live comfortably and warm. These are the main differences, I could speak of millions more. I hope that one day all children of Nigeria and other poor countries have access to the same resources as ours but that takes time and money, but there is nothing that we can't achieve.

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