sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

STOP IT-by María de la Cuesta

One day we were in class and a friend of mine asked me about the things that make me feel nervous, so I got to the conclusion that if there’s one thing that gets on my nerves: it’s people who keep trying  to sell me things.
I don’t want to, it drives me mad when for example I’m watching the TV, lying on my bed or just having dinner and someone phones up and asks me if I’m interested in new kitchen units, new phone rates, a subscription for a club…no, I’m not , thank you very much and if I was, I’d get in touch with you!

I very nearly burnt the house down the other day answering one of their ridiculous calls. I forgot I’d left some fillets frying in the kitchen.

But this is not the worst thing, it’s even worse when you can’t move on the streets for people handing out those propaganda leaflets, advertising dancing classes or urging you to buy this, that or the other. They push one into your face, and if you don’t want to take it, they give  you a bad look and sometimes you can hear them swearing and muttering about you as you walk away

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