jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


Hello! This time,(9 APRIL IS MY BIRTHDAY) I am writing about Nigeria (Malaria) as all my partners in this blog have been doing this month.

Malaria is a type of protozoan of Plasmodium family (Vivax and Falciporium) and is the leading cause of death in the most populated country African country, Nigeria. This protozoan lives in the body of the mosquito of the race Anopheles, which lives in marsh (areas with a lot of water). The protozoan disease is transmitted through mosquito bites and takes a phased process:
·        1. The plasmodium travels through the blood  to the liver cells
·        2. In the liver cells, the plasmodium hides from immune system of the organism.
·        3. Afterwards, the plasmodium goes to the RBC and destroys all the proteins.
In the last phase of this process the organism begins to show symptoms.
   -First week:
 -If the infection isn´t treated quickly          

Malaria kills more than 200,000 people every year so all the country´s hospitals are full of patients. The WHO (World Health Organization) sent 20-year economic and medical help to save the lives of those infected with malaria but the last 2 years they couldn’t help Nigeria athe way they wanted because a new disease, Ebola, needs more help than Malaria.
If you want more information click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMNmOsl5_e4
In this image we can see the areas with the highest number of anopheles insect bites in Nigeria.
For concluding this post I want to remember to everyone that today is my birthday! I am waiting for the “Happy Birthday” in the comments. See You Soon.

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