This month I will speak about a comic-book instead of a novel. This comic is "Kingsman: the secret service" it's a comic book about a boy who is
recruited for a spies' agency and after being trained, he has to help to
save the world from a global genocide. This comic already has been adapted
to movie. Also it is necessary to say that this comic is not this recommendable for all the public, since it is very violent and has some sexual scene .
Also this month, I bring a recommendation that is not a book but a manga comic book. Beware! Do not recommend it if yu are bored with black and white or if you do not have good memory.It's about the assault of Titans towards humans, who have to hide behind a wall to survive. The protagonist, Eren, signs up for the army and becomes an explorer to defeat the Titans. It is a
manga with excellent drawings in black and white and a very interesting
jueves, 30 de abril de 2015
As you know, this year Jesus-Maria is trying to take
forward a charity project that helps Nigerian children
and women. The project consists of building a school
where women and children can be educated. This
way in the future they will be able to have different job
opportunities and thus have a better future. It is very
important to achieve this and we need you to do it !!!
The school costs around 90.000€. Jesus-Maria’s schools
are trying to raise this amount. But sadly, in these times
of crisis is not easy to get people to collaborate. So we
have designed different ways in which people can
collaborate with us. We have many events that anyone
can go to; for example the spring concert (where Jesus-
Maria students dance and sing and all profits go to
We are sure that together we will bring the project
forward. We only need you!
In this blog I am going to tell you about my experience, when I lived in China.
of you would think that I am crazy or nuts because I went to China, and
you are not entirely wrong because the majority of people that have
been there didn´t like it because the place was too humid and the
humidity would stick to your face, it was a horrible feeling everywhere
you went you were unconfortable, it was a disgusting weather .
I am not going to focus on the weather , I want to focus on the food
culture and the behavior of the chinese people with tourists.
I lived in China, the chinese started to ask me questions about the
places I had visited and about my mother country which was spain. They were
fascinated about the things I told them because they didn’t believe them
, it is very difficult for them to go to another country to visit
because they have to ask for a solicitude and a requirement, so that is
why it's hard for them to go and visit another country, also this appliance takes a lot of time to do.
Chinese people are very responsable, not like the european people. They
work more then twelve hours per day, they are normally polite but they
have a bad thing: they are not open at all, you need to know them very
well, otherwise they won’t trust you, and they’ll behave badly.
you have the chance, one day, to live with them, you will undertand
what I am telling you, they have a really humble concept of life, they
live like that because they have little resources and the majority of the
people in China work a lot and they get paid a wretched amount of
money, I have seen the abuse and the caos that there is in China right
now, when I saw this I kept thinking how lucky we are to be in a country
with only a little amount of poverty compared to them.
culture is amazing , especially in the eastern part in Beijing or Shangai. Those parts are so rich and they are full of chinese culture, I really
recomend you to go there. The temple of Mao and the Great Wall
of China...I just can describe it with my own words.
But I need to tell you the truth, maybe I am going to spoil your idea of the chinese food.
in Spain there is a lot of chinese restaurants and the food is so good
and tasty but if you go to china you’ll realice thet the food here in
the chinese restaurants was a lie, the chinese restaurants in china have
nothing to do with the ones in Spain, they are completely different,
but not for good, for worse.
The quality of the food in China is so bad I ended up hating it.
Hoped you liked the brief story of my trip to China.
MY 15th BIRTHDAY-by Emilia Ruiz Manjón
My 15th birthday!
The 26th of march is a very special day for me. It's my birthday
but I've been waiting for this year in particular to come, because I
finally turned 15!!
My birthday turned out to be one of the best birthdays of my whole life so I wanted to share with you my day.
I woke up and then went with my brother to Vips because he was going to invite me to have breakfast.
When we finished, my friend Iria came and we walked to school together.
we arrived, my brother left and Iria and I went to look for our class,
we finally found them watching a film. When my classmates saw me, they
wished me a happy birthday. My closest friends ran to me to hug me and
wish me a happy birthday, that was so nice!
one o'clock I came back home to meet my family and then we had lunch
with them. When I arrived at my house my mom told me to clean my room, and
that surprised me a lot because I wouldn't expect my mom to tell me to
clean up on the day of my birthday, even though I didn't want to do it, I
just went to my room. When I entered my room SURPRISE! there was my
present laying on my bed with a really cute bouquet of candies. The gift
was a really nice purse. I was really happy for my present so I thanked
my family and then we walked to the restaurant.
place was a moroccan restaurant which was called Almounia. I really
liked the food, it tasted very good and it was great tasting new flavors .
In the middle of lunch my dad received a call and stood up and said he
had to go get a book that a mailman was going to bring him. When he came
back he was carrying a beautiful bouquet of fifteen yellow tulips and a
letter. The flowers were from my godmother who wasn't in Spain the day
of my birthday and we have a really close relationship. I found that
little gift so kind and pretty much awesome.
entered back home and I was late for school so I ran to my room to get
my things but when I got in I found out that I had another present! I
was so excited! It was a pair of shoes that I liked a lot.
returned to school, attended class, and then, again went back home. In
the afternoon I went shopping with my mom. After that, in the evening I
was going to have dinner with my friends at Iria's house, we were going
to be six or something like that, even though it wasn't a really
big party I was excited because I also like simple things. I called Iria
because I wanted to tell her that I was going to arrive late but she
just told me to not worry because she had just left the dentist (I heard
car noises...)
finally got there and instead of a simple dinner it was a surprise
birthday party with all of my friends. It was such a huge surprise! I
didn't expect that to happen. I thanked them so much. They also told me
that the car noises were they trying to imitate them. Another surprise
was that my best friend, who lives in Segovia, had just come to see me
the day of my birthday, that was really sweet.
on, they gave me the presents and saw a video which almost made me cry.
My best friend, Bea had spent so much time doing it and it was great!
She had put together videos since when I was really little to present time. It was a
perfect finish for my birthday!
sure I'll remember this day all my life because many people say the
15th birthday for a girl is really special and for me. It was really
really memorable.

Most countries have an image
If someone says Jamaica , the first thing that you think are: beaches, reggae music and relaxed people. If you hear Brazil ,you might think about carnival or football , and people who love to have fun. Other images probably come to mind when you think about Italy,Spain, or New Zealand.The Italians are known for their food, especially pizzas. New zealanders as adventurous people who love to spend time outdoors and spanish people are often related with bull fighting and the mythical "spanish siesta" .
These images are often the result of cliché (stereo types) but they are also used in a positive way as a national brand.
Several countries have realized that making emphasis on their image or brand can be useful to promote trade or tourism.
If someone says Jamaica , the first thing that you think are: beaches, reggae music and relaxed people. If you hear Brazil ,you might think about carnival or football , and people who love to have fun. Other images probably come to mind when you think about Italy,Spain, or New Zealand.The Italians are known for their food, especially pizzas. New zealanders as adventurous people who love to spend time outdoors and spanish people are often related with bull fighting and the mythical "spanish siesta" .
These images are often the result of cliché (stereo types) but they are also used in a positive way as a national brand.
Several countries have realized that making emphasis on their image or brand can be useful to promote trade or tourism.
I´m going
to talk about one amazing experience that I had 4 years ago. I could say
that it was my first real contact with English.
I was
eleven years old, and I had just finished the fifth year of primary, when my parents
told me that I was going to live with an
english family for one month.
The family
lived in Alicante, but they didn´t
speak spanish, so my parents thought that this option could be good for
me , to practise and learn English without leaving Spain, and to make contact
with english people. Also they talked with my best friend´s parents to send us
together to this family.
It wouldn´t
be just stay with the family the whole day, we would have clases, excursions,
sports... and a lot of activities organized by the agency.
I was
really nervous and eager, because I was conviced that this travel would be a
really fun time for me, and one of the best summers of my live.
When we
arrived to Alicante our parents met the
english family, so we ate and spent the evening all together, then our parents
left to Madrid.
The family
showed us our room, and we just unpacked.
First of all we were to shy , but they were
lovely people that welcomed us perfectly and made us talk and talk, to practise
a lot of english. They told us a lot of funny stories, about their life,
children, work, experiences... and of course we told them a lot of things about our
life, too.They had one daugther and one son,but they both were working in
London, so we couldn´t see them.
The first day
of class was really nice, because the classes were outdoors, the
teacher was really friendly and we made a lot of friends that were in other
familys. Instead of remember boring clases I just remember that we were
learning english and having fun at the same time.
Our daily
routine was: getting up, having breakfast, going to class, doing sports, eating at
the canteen, and returning home to spend the evening in family.
In the
house there was a swimming pool were my friend and I, spend hours and hours...
On the weekends
we dindn´t have to go to “school” and we had excursions. One of the weekends we
went to the water park, Aquopolis, I really really enjoyed that day, and I
would like to return to this place. There were lots of attractions, water
slides, “boats”.... so we returned very tired and happy.
Every sunday,
the family and us went to the beach to have a picnic there, and to be closer to them. I will always have very nice memories about this experience, because
since we arrived Alicante,I enjoyed all the moments that we experienced.
I recommend
you to have a similar experience, and to visit Alicante if haven´t visited it
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015
FOOTBALL-by Ignacio Renobales
I think that football is the best sport in the whole
world. I think that football is a special sport in my life, a special
activity. When I play football, everything is different, I feel different sensations, I
forget everything and I just think qbout playing football. I love football and I
don´t know why, I was born loving football. I play football in the team the
school. I play football with Gonzalo, Felipe, Carlos… The training sessions are so
funny. We are making jokes and playing football, as good as it gets.
My favourite
team is Athletic Club, the team form Bilbao city. My favourite team is Athletic
because I was born in Bilbao and in Bilbao I think that football is lived completely different. This year Athletic club is in the king cup's final
against Barcelona, that day is going to be amazing.
My favourite player was Ronaldinho. He is from Brazil.
He played in FC Barcelona, PSG, Milan…. I think that he did
impossible things, like a magician. He is different from others.
1º First of all you need to keep calm and find the best part of the island to build a camp, then you have to look for palm leaves to make the roof and get some sticks to support your hut.
2º Next you need to find a waterfall for taking showers and to use for drinking water.
3º You should look for the sandiest area and take some rocks to make a SOS sign, so rescue teams can find you.
4º You need to make a big fire in a pit, and catch some fish to eat.
5º You can make some spears to defend your self from wild animals, and to hunt.
6º If you are thirsty, you can climb a palm tree and get some coconuts. You will have to break them open with rocks.
7º The most important thing you have to do is to keep busy, so you don't go crazy!
MALARIA-by Pablo Seco
Now I will talk about Malaria, a disease that causes many deaths in Africa, particularly in Nigeria.Adult mortality is higher because children need more attention and
care and older people work for them and in the field, so they are
more likely to receive a sting and to infect.Although
many years ago it caused many deaths, since 2010, thanks to advances in
medicine and new designs of vaccines, along with new prevention
techniques, the number of deaths from this disease have decreased (given
that the 300-500 million people are infected by malaria, it got down to
1 million deaths per year, with this we can see that the barriers they
put this disease have greatly improved, medically and technologicaly) especially in Third World countries. They are affected
because they are those who do not have many resources or means.By this we know that conditions in these countries are improving
because children are smaller and have less antibodies and since these people are
the weakest and the least to die within age ranges.To
improve this, they also have created new health centers in countries in
Africa, and schools by the Better Together project (Jesús María), and also a
very important piece of this conclusion is the help of Wells Without
Borders NGO that seeks to eliminate places
where standing water is accumulated and the area is cleaned (organic
waste preferably), and introduce wells with treated water for people to
drink water and eliminate the chances of reproduction vector, Anopheles,
which aims to improve the conditions of life of the people living in this place).
The virgin of the mountain
The image of the Virgin can be located between the year 1620 to 1626.Of
Sevillian style and of unknown author,it's entire height is of 58 centimeters.It is
made out of walnut wood,full-length and placed on standing on rocks finishing in
Its first descent from its chapel was to the city May 3,1641 and it did
it as a plead because a drought that was destroying the fields.
Francisco de Paniagua,a hermit born in Millon´s houses,was covering the
region with a tiny-weeny image of the virgin begging souls to construct her a
-The first orders (1635) say that the Holiday of the Virgin was March
25,day of the Embodiment.
-In 1784,the Sacred Gathering of Rites,ordered the first Sunday of Eastern to celebrate the Holiday.
-In 1832,the Archbishop of Coria,moved the holiday to the fourth
Sunday of May.
-In 1860 , he remembers for the brotherhood set the holiday on
September 8th to celebrate, but it wasn't possible on this date.
-In 1975,the Directorate moved the Holiday to the first Sunday of March
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