domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

FLORIDA TRIP 2015-by Fabiola Morera

    Florida trip 2015

I went to Florida this summer for a month in July; it was a very different and amazing experience.
On the first day when I went to the airport I was so scared because I didn’t know anyone, but I made friends very quickly and easily because the other people that went there were also  scared and didn’t know anyone either.
When we arrived to the airport in Miami after being in the plain for nine hours we were all so tired because of the time difference (six hours). We went into the bus for three more hours because we had to go to Sarasota.
In the bus, everyone was asleep except for me, because I was so worried about going to the family’s house without knowing them.
When we arrived, I went with the family that I had been chosen for, and when we arrived to the house they showed me my room, I went straight to sleep.
 The next day everything was so difficult for me to get used to, because they were American and they had such a different accent to the British one, which was the one that I knew. When I had to talk with the girl of the family everything was so awkward because we didn’t really have a conversation.

After some weeks passed I already got used to living there, to the accent, etc.
At first, I was friends with the girl but when some weeks passed and I think that she didn’t really like me. That was fine, because I didn’t really like her either. Not getting on very well with Olivia (the girl of the family) wasn’t a problem for me because every Tuesday and every Thursday I had to go to the English academy where all the Spanish doing the exchange had to meet up. We had lessons where we played games and after those lessons we always went to some place, like a mall, a place to see crocodiles, the beach, etc.
When I was with the family I did so many different activities, for example: when we went to the Arianna Grande’s concert, to Disney Orlando, to Tampa, to watch a baseball game, and much more things.
On the last weekend all of the Spanish and I went to Universal, at Orlando. We all slept in a hotel. The Orlando trip was the best part of all the trip, because we went all the day to one of the best theme parks in the world (Universal) and in the night we had such a nice supper both nights and we were mend to be sleeping, we went to the pool at three in the morning and to the boys room to watch a horror movie.

I think that this trip was one of the best experiences I have ever had in my whole life. I made so many new friends and I still keep in touch with them and one of them is one of my best friends now! I recommend everyone to go there and have as much fun as I did.
I can’t wait to next year to repeat!!!

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