martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

MY YEAR IN ENGLAND- by Ana Carmona

I am going to talk about my year in England.
It has been one of the best years but sometimes at the start of the year it wasn’t really good. At the start of the year I did not know too much English and I could not talk with other people because I did not have a really good level of the language.
The first day of school I remember that it was horrible because I was alone without other Spanish people, all the others were English. The first days all the teachers and my classmates helped us during the lessons and in the boarding house as well.  Gradually I began to understand the language and I started talking with my classmates.
The timetable was really different to the one in Spain because,for example, we finished school at 3:30, then, we had dinner at 6 and after that we needed to do homework and sports.

During the whole year I came back to Spain to visit my family, friends, etc.. three times:in October, Christmas holidays and Easter. During the year I have made lots of friends and I am still in contact with some of them, and I think that one girl that was in my dorm all the year, will come to Spain during Christmas so I think that I will see her soon!
The last day all the Spanish mates that were in the school with me too, we were all crying so much because we were leaving and all our classmates too.
It was a really good experience, you know new people, and you learn English and it is so much fun.
Is an experience that I am never going to forget.

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