lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015


From early XXI century the search for places in the Solar System (and elsewhere) has been more than a dream for Mankind, While since mid XX century, thanks to Russian, US and European Spaces agencies some of these dreams could be becoming true. As a matter of fact, that search for hospitable conditions  for life have been gaining support from studies of images taken by Spacecraft and landed devices sent from Earth to planets like Mars. We have even send a scapeship beyond the Solar System, the Voyager.

It was NASA's Global Suveyor, in orbit around Mars since 1997 the Spaceship whose high definition photografic devices sent us back notice of cold regions of the planet with surface features suggesting that even liquid water may have flowed from the martian underground. Though it was crystal clear that there was ice in Mars, it was the first time scientists noticed liquid water.  However, as space research is not a quick evidence science, it has not been till recently that NASA has confirmed that data, reporting that there is clear evidence that water flows from slopes in Martian mountains. It is of course an encouranging discovery, because it means there are resources at our disposal out in the Space,

From now onwards, as that water, though salty, has been discovered, we are sure unlimited resources are waiting for us almost at hand. But  first, let's take care of our planet, so beautiful from the sky where the Space Station sails  (ISS), assembled in 2000 jointly by Russian Space Agency and NASA and a proof of the only way to move forward: international cooperation. So, keep working together but with our eyes focused at the stars.

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