martes, 20 de octubre de 2015


These is a film that I saw at the cinema and I liked it, but it's a little bit sad. The history is narrated by a sixteen year old teenager called Hazel Grace Lancaster, who suffers cancer. Her parents force to go to a group for young people  affected by the disease. This group gathers in a church and here she gets to know and falls in love with a seventeen years old  young person called Augustus Waters (Gus), ex-player of basketball, whose leg was  amputated because he had had a problem too. Hazel convinces him to read "An imperial pain", her favorite book, witch she read because she had a lot of free time. She reads constantly. Gus had kept the desire that the foundation The Genies grant to children with cancer and decides to use it to travel with Hazel to Amsterdam, to meet the author of "An imperial pain". Hazel is very happy about the trip, and there she also decides that she does not want that Gus and her are not anymore just friends. The parents of Hazel begin to worry very much about her. One night Hazel wakes up with a strong pain in the head. She thinks that it's a tumor, because the cancer could expand, but only it was the lack of oxygen. Hazel is checked in the UCI. After she get out of UCI she sees some doctors and she gets the permission to travel to Amsterdam with her mum and Gus.During the trip of going to Amsterdam, Gus confesses Hazel that he is in love with her and Hazel remains surprised but she can`t say to him that she also loves him for fear of getting hurt it in a future when she dies. On the first night in Amsterdam, Hazel and Gus are going to eat to a restaurant. The following day they meet the author of the book , and they have their first kiss in the street.The mother of Hazel says to Gus that the cancer has returned and her life expectancy very small. A short time after, Gus asks his best friend, Isaac, and Hazel that they give him a pre-funeral in which he asks them to write a speech. Eight days later, Augustus Waters dies. Gus write some pages of the book and Hazel can read in the funeral.

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