sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015


Repercussions of gore movies on children;
-Can gore movies really be harmful for the children´s development?
Many parents wonder whether allowing their children to watch horror movies can be harmful for them.
 Could all those "jumpscares", blood, death and gore in general affect children? 

They are in these days really attached to them while they watch movies, play videogames or even read  scary novels (which I personally love doing).
Many people argue about videogames because it is the easiest way for a kid to watch gore and even get into it (in many games the user is the one that causes most of the catastrophies).
Many studies have been made but really non of them have a more shocking conclusion than the one that says watching any kind of video or movie can affect children and even adults.

In conclusion I think that watching gore is harmless if it is just on a screen or a piece of paper but you can never be sure. Maybe it has some long term repercussions...

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