viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015


The effects of exams on society

Exams are having a negative effect on society.
Since we are born, we have to deal with exams( to get into a Primary School and Secondary School, to get in to a University College, even to get a good job and to keep it, ) which means we have to worry about exams until the time of our death. But do we really need them? Should they be abolished?
-On the one hand, there are positive arguments in favour of exams. Your future depends on how well you do in exams. The point of exams is to let the teachers find out how well the pupils understood their explanation. This is important because afterwards teachers can help students with memory problems or students who get stressed out by exams.
-On the other hand , there are also negative arguments about exams. Students memorize what they are going to be tested on instead of letting their knowledge flow. This is pointless because after a certain period of time they will forget what they had memorized  and go back to the square one.
On balance, both arguments are very convincing. But the arguments that agree with the idea of abolishing the exams are stronger. Teacher should look for new ideas of testing their pupils instead of exams.
By Carmen Merello

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