domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

LOST-by Marta Gonzalez-López


First of all, I would like to alert everyone who may read this post that, if you’re planning on watching the show or you have just started watching it, this might reveal unknown information (SPOILER).
Lost is one of the best TV series of history, and also, one of my favorites. It is well known for its innovative and unusual plot. It was on air for six seasons, from 2004 to 2010. It tells the story of a group of people who live in a mysterious Island in the middle of the Pacific, after their plane (Oceanic 815) crashed there.
Throughout the seasons, the characters learn how to live by themselves and how to get along with the rest of people on the island. In addition, they learn that on the island, their previous lives and their previous behavior does not matter at all. Their most urgent issue is to find a way out so as to be able to go back home and get their ordinaries lives back. But this won’t be a piece of cake for anyone.

Lost had a huge success at its launch. However, many people believe that the two last seasons were disappointing, moreover that the best season is the first one. This is not my case, I find every season as exciting and amazing as the first one.

he main characters are:
·        Jack Shepard, a successful young surgeon who will be treated as the leader on the island.
·        Kate Austen, a beautiful fugitive who sees the island as a way to escape from her troubled past.
·        James Ford, more known as Sawyer is an attractive con man whose prime objective in life is to get revenge for the death of his parents.
·        John Locke, a man whose life has never been easy and probably the only person who really connects with the island and doesn’t want to go back. He also wants to prove that he is able to do anything he wants.
·        Sayid Jarrah, an Iraqi who regrets and is embarrassed of the things he did in the past.

·        Hugo Reyes/Hurley, usually the funniest character of the show. In his life before the crash he is entered into a psychiatric, later, he wins the lottery with the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42; which will be very relevant during their lives in the island.

·        Juliet Burke,(not a passenger of Oceanic 815) a fertility doctor who is deceived to go to the island to continue her fertility researches, she embarks on that journey only because she thinks is going to be a temporary job. On the island, she is part of ‘’The Others’’.

·        Benjamin Linus,(not a passenger of Oceanic 815) leader of ‘’The Others’’, he is likely to be the most hated character due to his lies, wiles, tricks and self-preservation instinct.

·        Desmond Hume, (not a passenger of Oceanic 815) a man who has been living inside an underground hatch ‘’saving the world’’ each 108 minutes. His biggest desire is to get back to Penny, his true love. He becomes a show’s regular in season 2 and he is completely necessary for the development of the story.

I In my opinion, Lost is a must-watch-show. Besides the intriguing plot, it offers a lot of moral and philosophical contents. A proof of this is, for example, that the names of the main characters are the real names of philosophers and intellectuals. My favorite characters are Juliet and Desmond, both of them are strong, brave and intelligent characters who I admire.


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