jueves, 1 de enero de 2015

MALEFICIENT-by Lucía Alonso

I am going to talk about a film that I really enjoyed when I saw it.
This film is based on the sleeping beauty tale, but the film is a little bit different.

Once upon a time, the world was separated in two: a magical world - “The Moors,” and the other: the people and the king.
Maleficent is a powerful fairy that lives in the Moors with her friendsOne day her life changes because a young boy named Stefan enters into this fantastic world.
Maleficent and Stefan fall in love but this boy is obsessed with money and becoming rich, so when they become older they do not spend time together.
The boy promises to give Maleficent a true love kiss on her sixteenth birthday, but it is not true because Stefan continues obsessing with becoming rich and he took a chance.
The king he wanted to attack The Moors, but Maleficent hit him with her long wings and now is very ill.
Stefan promised the king to kill Maleficent and if he achieves it he will be the king.
Stefan visits The Moors and cuts Maleficent's wings when she is sleeping because he doesn’t want to kill her. Stefan ends up being the king, married with the queen, and they have a daughter called Aurora.
Maleficent gets very angry and when Aurora is born, she gives to her curse…”She is going to die the day of her sixteenth birthday, but she can only live if someone gives her a true loves kiss”
The king and queen send Aurora to live in the countryside with three little fairies to protect her of Maleficent.
But Maleficent saw Aurora all the days, and she feels that she was a sweet girl and it's not her fault.
Maleficent wants to take back the curse, but she cannot.
Aurora falls in a long dream waiting for true love's kiss and Maleficent is very sad.
So she decides to go to the king’s palace to see Aurora, a beautiful prince kissed Aurora but nothing happened, so Maleficent, crying, kissed her the front and touch her hands. Immediately, Aurora awakes.
I really enjoyed this film; it shows how people can change and became good people. My favorite scene of the film is when Maleficent kisses Aurora and she awakes out of that long dream.

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