jueves, 22 de enero de 2015



We could highlight the advantages that in cities there are more chances to have a good education because sometimes in villages there are not many public places like libraries. Due to its size, cities have numerous colleges, universities, museums and many other things that can influence in education.
In the cities we can also find easier access to public services, this helps us to solve many problems that arise everyday in life.
Also offers various forms of entertainment as cinemas, theaters, restaurants…etc that maybe can’t be found in a village.
Also, a very important thing to note is the large amount of medical services that can be found in a city: a large number of hospitals, ambulances, high qualified doctors...

To end with, we have to highlight the greater security found in cities because when some occurs, police takes just a couple of minutes to come to aid. However due to a much larger population, sometimes there can be coordination issues among the public services.

Cities have also different disadvantages:
As we all know there is a continuous increase in contamination that is covering the cities all around the globe caused mostly by the large number of cars, which release large amounts of CO2. In addition, cars generate huge traffic jams that cause lots of accidents apart from angry drivers.
In the cities are a lot of people so there is less space and sometimes hardens the day to day; eating at a restaurant, parking problems...
The police forces are great, but the insecurity is increasing: robberies, rapes... because the police is unable to control so many people.
Unlike the village, people in cities can’t plant anything whether food or plants because there is no place to have a small orchard. Green in cities is almost non-existent.
Living in the city causes cases of stress in many people who live there, because there are many people, the noise, dirtyness...

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