martes, 13 de enero de 2015

LOUIS ZAMPERINI- by Mónica García Silva

Louis Zamperini:
In this blog I'm going to talk about Louis Zamperini who is one of my role models.
Louis Zamperini was an American World War II prisioner, a survivor, and an Olympic distance runner.
He had a terrible experience during World War II, he was flying a war plane when another plane shot his plane and he and his mates  fell to the sea. Only he and two mates were able to survive. They were at the sea for more tan a month. During that period of time where they ate fish and one of the survivors died in the sea. When Louis and his mate Phil were almost dying  a japanese boat rescued them. In  World War II the enemy of the USA was Japan, so when the japanese boat rescued them they became prisioners of the war. He spent a lot of time in a japanese concentration camp with more US prisioners. While he was in the concentration camp a japanese soldier always banged him. 
Before the captivity he was an important athlete, he went to the olympics games and  he achieved some records in 1500m and 5000m.
His bravery and courage have inspired a film: Umbroken which is a film about his life. This film is still in the cinemas, and although it's a hard film, I recommend it.

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