domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

WHEN I GROW UP-by Pía Greus

When I grow up...
Have you thought about what you want to be? Aren't you confused?
Dear readers I want you to know that i'm really REALLY confused about what do I want to be, because I really want to form a familly and that stuff but I want to be someone important too , like, I don't want to be told when to leave (☁️😇☁️) 
Because for me , like when I'll look back on my life I don't want to ask "why am I here??" And I really would like for someone to remember me like "she found a cure againts the cancer" or "she was a really good actress"  or "she was a really good person" and I think I want to work with something related with biology or fashion or make up. I would love to.... 
But seriusly I'm really confused... It's like i haven't found something that makes me feel like "I want to be this"
Have you?

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