lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

CAMP WATITOH-by Iria Sánchez de Diego

Last summer I went to the “Camp Watitoh” that you can only describe it with one word AMAZING. It is located in Becket Massachusetts (USA).
A part of it is learning a lot of English but I also have met really great people, not only the girls of my age also the counselors, because they were very open and friendly.
Now I would like to tell you a little bit about the distribution of the camp. Basically the camp was divided in 2 parts: Boys camp and Girls camp, where we had the HC that is where we met with the girls director (Crissty) and with the rest of the girls. In the middle of the two parts you could find the mess hall that is where we ate. Going down to the mess hall you could see the waterfront where we used to do lake activities like waterskiing, sailing, canoeing… also a water trampoline.
The football fields, tennis courts and a special space for archery were next to the girls’ camp. At the end of the fields there were stairs, if you go up and turn to the left you could find the gym and a softball field (softball: it is a sport like baseball but with a bigger ball) .On the right side, the sports center, with a climb wall and ropes.
At the end of the camp there was a big place where we used to do the competitions between girls and boys, the games and some evenings activities.

Well I am going to explain to you a normal day at camp:
We woke up at 8:00 with the bugles sound and then we went to the HC (in pijama of course) where Crissy explained to us the activities for the day.  In front of the mess hall, there was a big American flag and we lined up (that is basically listen the American anthem and see how they raise up the flag). When the flag was totally up we had to go to the mess hall to take breakfast. Each day there was different breakfast, like pancakes, waffles or bagels. At the mess hall you had to sit with people of your bunk and the food was served by the waiters (the boys between 16-17). At the end of the breakfast we returned to our bunks and we had to clean up because after 30 minutes some counselors used to come to our bunks to check if everything was okay and

give us a mark. And at the end of the week, if you had achieved 10 points every day, you earned going to Lucky’s, the best ice-cream shop.
After the revision we used to do activities that changed depending on the day for example the first activity was waterskiing, then we had 10 minutes to change the swimsuit to sports clothes because you had land activity (softball, soccer, hockey...) At the end we had lunch (the best hour in the whole camp) we had an hour of free time that I spent in “Spanish siesta “that is how they used to called it.
When we were completely recovered, we had the hobby hour that meant that you could choose any activity for an hour, then we went to general swim for 2 hours that you could do whatever you want like sunbathing in Alcatraz (a wood platform in the middle of the lake) but there was only one rule: you had to stay into the water. After this we had another land activity and an hour of shower then we had to do line up again because they are very patriotic; while the flag was going down. Then we went to the mess hall to dinner. At the end we had free time (that is doing anything you want) the best part were the evening activities with the boys or just girls depending on the activity.
And finally we went to sleep, and the next day was exactly the same except the very important days like the 4th of July, Watitoh banquet, empire day….
Apart of staying at the camp we had other activities like going to the theatre or intercamps that is: you went to another camp for the whole day and you played with other camps, and also a lot of other activities.
So if you are looking for an incredible experience in another country I really recommend you to go because it was one of the best months of my life.

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