lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015


The value of knowing languages

The other day I came up, in a conversation with my parents, with how important languages really are. At first I couldn’t really understand why it was that made them important but as I started thinking about it I realized how important they were and therefore I am going to explain why knowing languages and being able to speak them is important nowadays and how can it help in the future.

First of all it is important to know languages because it’s the way to communicate with each other, so if you go somewhere where they don’t speak your language you will need to at least know the basic words to be able to buy things or even to ask how to go to a place in the town.

Secondly, nowadays travelling is one of the favourite hobbies of young people. If you want to travel you need to know languages or at least know one of the languages that most people speak in the world, for example if you speak French, English or Spanish you will be able to contact with some people but if you know two of them you will surely be able to contact with the others.

Another reason why knowing languages is important is because when you are applying for a job or for the university, you need to have a lot of references as well as knowledge, there for if you know another language apart from your language which says that you are a hard worker and if you have certificates or exams that prove it, it will make it even better. Also when a student has control over two languages or more it shows that they are ambitious people and that they always want to learn more things.

María Rico

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