miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

MY SECRET TEAM-by Fernando Frías

My secret  team

The following story is about  a boy in the UK  who supported a football team
while all the other family members supported the opposite team in town. That
could have easily been the case of an ordinary Spanish boy or girl. The thing is that he kept the secret for a long time. He was a fan of Boxton Town, but his brothers and daddy were crazy about Boxton Rovers. For him it was very hard being different and had to be very good at pretending when both teams played
each other. He couldn’t cheer when his team scored and had to go to the bathroom and celebrate there. He couldn’t be sad when the other team scored and had to hide his posters and T-shirts. Believe it or not he had a secret wardrobe,which was kind of a hidden compartment. He would hide his favorite
team’s clothes behind the other team’s. Birthdays were terrible too, he would always get presents for the wrong team.But one day his life changed  because a billionaire bought both teams in town and made one Big Team: Boxton United.
Now he can relax and enjoy all the matches with his family and goes to the bathroom a lot less too.

I think there might be several cases like this one in many countries around the world due to intolerance but it’s a pitty because we should have the right to decide which team to support other than family preferences, religious beliefs etc.
For example, a good friend of mine is a Real Madrid supporter while his two children support Barcelona. I trust it’s a good example of tolerance to be followed.

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